Sunday, January 11, 2009

More books...

Well, after scoring only 740 on a practice test, I decided to hire a private tutor to help get me over that hump of 1000 points on the GRE.

So, I go into the testing area to take another practice test so the tutor can know where I am and what they are dealing with... and my score was 1010!

Go figure.

I'm scheduled to meet with the tutor on Wed. and Thurs. of this week and next to get some coaching on this test.

The actual GRE is on the 27th and I'm scheduled for an interview on the 30th - all depending on my getting the high enough score.

I felt better after I took the second test. At least I know I'm capable of a 1000.

Meanwhile, Bryan is helping out around the house more than ever. I have to admit that he gets the house and kids whipped up and clean, rooms clean and dishes done, kids showered... all in about an hour's time. Show-off.

He's becoming a master at laundry... which is a big help alone. The biggest thing is that he has learned the trick of putting the clothes AWAY as soon as they come out of the dryer. That way I don't come home to two baskets full of clean clothes and him hearing me yell about how I never did that to him.

He is training nicely.

Gotta run... get back to the books - vocabulary, yuck!

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