Monday, September 29, 2008

Taking the kiddies to Orlando!

This is my only update, for this week, as we are leaving for Orlando today, after work/school.

The public schools are closed tomorrow, for a Jewish holiday, and we are keeping them out on Wed and Thurs. (coming home Thursday night)

Planning on staying at the Nickelodeon Family suites hotel (otherwise known as the Spongbob hotel) where all the rooms are suites and decorated with Nickelodeon characters. It has a water park and lots of kid activities scheduled every day. We won't be leaving the hotel during the daytime.

Tuesday night, we bought tickets to attend the NOT SO SCARY HALLOWEEN PARTY at Magic Kingdom. We get to arrive at the park at 4pm and stay until midnight. We won't stay that late, but who knows. Last year, at the Christmas one, the first time we looked at our watches it was 11pm.

The kids are dressing up for the Disney thing - Olivia is an Indian Squaw, Meredith is a spanish dancer, and Wade is Buzz Lightyear.

Bryan and I are wearing those T-shirts that say "This IS my costume".

Supposed to rain some in Orlando this week, hopefully not too much.

Wish us luck and I'll be back on Friday.

Friday, September 26, 2008

What am I talking about?

Well, I guess I was still recovering, from a really bad day, when I wrote the latest entry.

I can't believe I actually mentioned my own smelly underwear! Shows how tired I was.

I was just desperate to be clean. A shower does make all my boo-boos get better.

It's been a long week.

The best part about today was that my hubby, helping with laundry, left folded laundry on our coffee table. On top of one pile was everyone's underwear - not folded, just piled on top.

Then my inlaws came over - no one said anything, I mean, they were clean, but I'm sure they didn't want to eat lunch staring at Olivia's underwear.

However, once again, it didn't bother me enough to actually put any of it away - yet.

We inherited a new freezer... really nice and big. We put it in our garage, which meant that we had to clean out the garage (again). That is what we did today. Fun, right?

But it had to get done.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday was such a bad day, I couldn't even get myself to the computer to check an email, much less write on this blog.

Really busy day at work - I think that was the problem. When work, for me, is busy, it equals NO down time for my brain.

So the usual morning chaos, was followed by a day full of more chaos and me getting out of work later than normal. Luckily, Bryan was able to pick up everyone, but he needed to leave for a football game at 6pm.

He was gone from 6 to 9pm.

Those hours are crucial!! I had to serve and clean dinner, get the older two's homework done, supervise bathing and pjs, read books with the older two, tutor Meredith with math and...

somehow manage to shower myself - which was very important because many parts of my body just stunk. I didn't know which was worse - my underwear, my armpits, or my feet (from those clogs I wear at work).

After a shower, I felt much, much better.

Maybe that's why they have those Calgon comercials - I finally really understand.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Latest photos of Paige... 5 months

These photos were just too cute not to post.

We finally broke out the high chair and now Paige sits in it, while we flutter about her.

She is fitting in well.

Wade's birthday!!!

I completely forgot to mention that Wade's birthday was last week.

Lots of celebration, too, as we had a small party for him at our house on Sunday.
Then (on Monday) which was his actual birthday - we sang "happy birthday' again with the left over cake. (that is the photo of all four kids above)
And then, (on Tuesday) I went to his preschool and brought cookies for the kids to sing to him.
So much has happened in the three years that he's been around, it is hard to believe that his is only three.
He is my breath (and he's cute too - don't you think?)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Took the kids to see Disney on Ice

Not too much to tell about this experience, except that I took the older three, by myself.

Dropped off Paige at Veronica's house, she owed me and we went to a 3pm show.

Didn't get out until 6pm, with traffic, and we still had to do dinner.

So I, by myself, took all my kids out to Longhorn Steakhouse.

And we all survived... better than expected.

It helped that the kids were starving, but I was happy.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

An answered prayer

I've spent some time this week doing some talking to God.

This is the last week to register our children for CCD and, since it is expensive and time consuming, I was thinking about not putting them in for this year.

I spoke with a lady from the church who solved the money factor, by allowing us to pay a reduced price and I needed to pay by Friday.

I STILL wasn't convinced that I should put them in and my only prayer was asking God to give me a sign that I should drive to the church, tomorrow, and register them.

Well, of all nights, Bryan and I watched - The Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson.

Very powerful... not just because of the story it tells of Jesus, but because I don't fail the recognize the fact that this movie has been out for how many years? and I have always refused to watch it.

So, now, on the eve of debating to myself it it is worth it to commit my family to Tuesday afternoon Sunday school and that THIS movie (of ALL movies ever made) is the one that we choose to watch tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry, God, I may not be the best Catholic, but I KNOW an answered prayer when I see it.

I'll be registering them tomorrow.

My Aunt Debby died this weekend.

My Aunt Debby, the wife of my Dad's brother Peter, died this past weekend. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer over 3 years ago.

My parents and my Dad's two brothers are estranged. Bad blood... don't think anyone will call a truce in the next twenty years.

I personally haven't spoken or seen anyone from their family since their daughter, Jessica, my cousin had her own child die. He had been born sick and lived to be 18 months old.

That baby's funeral was the saddest thing I'd ever seen. It was even more difficult because I was 7 months pregnant with Wade and I knew that seeing me pregnant wasn't going to be easy for Jessica.

I was a wreck... she completely shunned me and wouldn't even hug me.

It was the last time I've seen any of them.

It is sad that during her lifetime, she (and my Uncle and cousins) never, not even once, made my family feel welcome. It was always a troubling relationship... but, I'm afraid, it is never to get any better.

My parents won't attend her funeral and I'm sure that my uncle will never forgive my Dad for not showing up.

I would bet any money that if my Dad DID show up, he'd be asked to leave.

He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

May she rest in peace.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Meredith's spelling

We are just starting to get into the groove with homework and it is a little more challenging for both Olivia and Meredith.

Neither girl takes any pride in homework or doing their work correctly. It is satisfactory, to both of them, that they turn in something - whether it is right or not is not a point they care to make.

So, each night, me and Bryan (when he is here) have to sit down and correct their homework and, sometimes over a couple hours, guide them learn from their mistakes.

However, Meredith's spelling this week left me laughing and I couldn't stop giggling - so that night I had to let it go.

But I had to share this...

One of Meredith's spelling words is WAS.

She is supposed to use each of the words in a sentence.

She wrote - "WAST THAT SMELL?"

You may not think it is funny at first but try to pronounce it fast and it does sound like 'WUZ UP?'

I don't know which is worse - the mispelled word or the fact that her brain thought 'what's that smell' was good for a sentence.

I'm still laughing over that one.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bad news, on open house night.

I forgot to mention that my Aunt Linda came over to watch my kids, for the open house.

She, and my parents, found out how challenging it can be to get 4 children, fed, showered, snacked, and ready for bed in a two hour period.

They all looked wiped when I got home.

Anyway, I heard that my Aunt Linda got home that night to hear bad news... that one of her family members had passed away.

I have yet to talk to her, but she called my mom and said that she was driving up to Georgia to be with family.

I just wanted to let her know that she, and her family up in Georgia, are never far from our thoughts.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Open house for the older kids

On two separate nights, over the previous two weeks, the elementary school hosted open house for Olivia and Meredith's grades.

Not too much to say about them, other than I LOVE their teachers!!!

Olivia's teacher, Mrs. Andress, was voted teacher of the year, just last year. She is middle-aged with kids in their twenties. She sent home a letter telling us all about her. She is born and raised in Jamaica, which is interesting since she is white. (I couldn't place the accent,but once I heard where she was from, she sounds Jamaican) She is the first white Jamaican I've ever met.

She is very approachable and caring. When Olivia was going through the whole rash thing, she was in touch with me often. Sometimes calling just to check on her. She even gave me her cell #.

Meredith's teacher is Mrs. West. She is a young Grandma type, which is good since last year she had a 23 year old kindergarten teacher. Mrs. West is comical and witty and, guess what, Meredith LOVES her.

I stayed behind in the open house to tell her that Meredith's little fire was lit, when it comes to school.

It was a nice night.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Latest photos of Paige... 4 1/2 months

We all went to a birthday party over the weekend... took some photos.

Here's the latest ones of Paige... isn't she getting big?

Seems like yesterday ( one year ago, actually ) that she was just a blue line on a testing strip in our bathroom.... with me crying beside it.

I'm glad for this surprise.

Mid-week blah...

I wish I had something of importance to tell but this week so far has been just plain vanilla.

Yesterday, at work, I had a doctor who was upset with me... that ruined my whole day.
He was upset because my patient (88year old male, with history of cardiac problems, who had just had bladder surgery) was complaining of chest pressure and tingling down his left arm. After placing him on oxygen, I asked the secretary to order an EKG and then I called him.

He was upset because I had ordered the EKG before calling him - stating that had he had the chance to examine the patient, himself, he would have seen that the patient stopped complaining of the pain/pressure when he was moved up in the stretcher. He didn't think this was anything serious, but because I ordered the EKG (under his name) it may have bought him a nights stay in the hospital.

Well, I argued that I had many reasons to order the EKG....
#1 - Any complaints of chest pressure warrant an EKG.
#2 - The guy has history of cardiac problems.
#3 - His family members were at the bedside; one was an EMT watching my reaction very closely.
#4 - This doctor was only covering for the guys main doctor, who I know well, and KNEW that he would have asked for the EKG without question.
#5 - Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Anyway, I could go on, but it was not to be argued.

Lesson learned - I won't be ordering anything, no matter what, for this doctor. He'll get many, many phone calls before I'll 'handle the problem' for him again.

Today, was uneventful. I spent some time at the NO FUSS MEALS place getting a few meals together.
I was the only one in the place - except for a very tattooed guy, a little bit younger than me.
Being alone in the place, we started talking, as we were preparing meals.

Well, Bryan's ears were tweaked as he was listening to the story. He thinks that the guy was just there to pick up girls.
PLEASE!!! I mean, what guy would spend $100 to fix a few meals, on the hopes of a pretty girl doing the same? Why would he pick the 12 noon time frame, not the evening slot?

But, hey, I was someone for him to talk to - maybe next time I'll send Bryan.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our (almost) invasion of privacy...

Have any of you ever had your children walk in, or almost catch, you and the hubby in a 'moment of privacy'? (If you get my drift...)
Well, tonight was our night.
Football being back in season is a great time for me to offer my hubby a quick fix... it's called halftime.
When halftime comes to an evening game - it is our time too.
It's a win/win situation... and usually in that brief timeframe when all four children are asleep and I am still awake.
So, during the UF vs UM game, we disappeared for a few moments... didn't bother to turn off any lights or the TV, he'd be back before anyone knew we were gone.
EXCEPT - tonight, Olivia had a red spot, on her neck from a bandaid , that was huring her. She came calling, and ever so quietly, tapping on our bedroom door.
She didn't hear anything, I'm sure, since our volume level has to be quiet anyway with Paige sleeping only feet away.
But, she did wait in the kitchen for us to emerge.
She questioned what we were doing in there... I told her I had to go to the bathroom.
She asked why Daddy had to go in there too... I told her I had run out of toilet paper and he brought it to me.
She bought my story and went to bed - just as I was trying to think of a reason for our door to have been locked.
Thank God I did that or else I'd have been explaining much, much more!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Here comes Hurricane Ike!!!

Spent the day today getting ready for Hurricane Ike. I didn't need to do much - just bought some extra batteries and topped off the cars with gas.

Sounds simple, right? But the following is the reason my hubby and I can't get out of debt....

I did also purchase a new battery lantern and the store had girls' crop pants on sale (so I picked up three for Olivia, who is outgrowing everything she owns and one for Meredith, so she won't feel left out)

Plus, it is Wade's birthday, in two weeks, and I had to pick up a thing or two for him - in case we don't have much power over the next few days, I don't want to be left with nothing to get him.

Also, we have a birthday party to attend, tomorrow, so I had to get something for my friends' kid. Didn't buy anything big for her, just kiddie skates, but they had the same thing in Spongebob (for boys) so I picked up a set for Wade too. Did I mention his birthday is in 10 days?

Can you ever have enough water and batteries? I think not... but my stock was out so I managed to grab a few of those too.

Then, it was off to get gas - which was a 40 minute wait in line, but at least that's done.

I did manage to clean out the garage and bring a lot of stuff to goodwill - great stuff that would have been good on ebay, but I'm tired of looking at it in the garage - so now that is gone, too.

I mean, do I really need three walkers? 6 car seats? This is the stuff I've collected.... terrible.

I even have enough room in the garage to pull my car into it - if I don't bring in the garbage cans and outdoor furniture.

Let's see.... which is more important?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Olivia's rash - latest update.

Well, we've entered a new saga when it comes to Olivia and her skin.

Last week, our doctor, in an attempt to think outside of the box, asked me to start giving Olivia the supplement Lysine twice a day.

Lysine is an ammino acid and should be no different than taking a vitamin, but this is not the case in our family, of course. He recommended it because Lysine has been proven to help people with recurrent herpes outbreaks - and the thought process is that if it helps that virus, maybe it'll have an effect on this virus, Mulluscum.

So, after one dose of that Lysine, she woke up with a terrible rash covering her entire cheeks and forehead. It was hundreds of teeny, tiny blisters. I thought she had sprayed her hair with deodorant thinking it was hairspray, but when it didn't resolve by the end of the day - in fact it was worse - I was concerned.

Last week, Thursday, was spent with me calling the pediatrician and the dermatologist trying to get someone to see her before the holiday weekend.

She saw the pediatrician... who was amazed at her reaction to the Lysine.

Anyway - after a few days, the facial rash is better, her skin still looks like an orange peel, but it is much, much better.

Now the problem is that the rash has spread across her body - it started on her neck and shoulders and has just moved south all day.

I've taken some photos of her shoulders/back so you can see the rash, but the photos don't do this justice - between each tiny red bump is many, many small pinhead sized bumps.

Doctor isn't all that concerned and wants to see her later this week.

She will be attending school tomorrow... I've spoken to her teacher who knows that she may wake up completely covered... we'll see.

Our whole family attended a birthday party...

Which is something we NEVER do as a family... most of the time it is one of us (me) with the older bunch and leaving the baby home. But this time, the party was for a classmate of Meredith and their family lives on a farm! So, my hubby was curious, since I'd been talking about this farm all summer, and wanted to attend.

Meredith's friend is Sarah. She and her family live on a 14 acre stretch of land off of Hiatus Rd and Orange Dr. It is a fully functioning farm and houses many horses - I think they told me that they have the room for 80.

Sarah and Meredith were friends over the summer and Meredith would live there is she could.

Not one inch of this property is ordinary.

First of all, the entire property is outlined by a 3/4 mile racing track for the horse training, with the family's home being a converted barn in the center of the track.

Every where you look, Sarah's dad has a mish-mosh of antique stuff. We were mostly gathered in an outdoor shed (that was really a no-walled outdoor room) that was as big as my house. They had room, in the shed, to house an antique car, air boat and several dirt bikes one end; a sitting area with functioning TV and an antique record player that he had playing Amos and Andy records; and an entire area for cooking and serving food.

The kids spent most of the day on a make-shift water slide - that was really a dug out hole, next to a huge mound of dirt, entirely covered with a billboard banner.

The kids would slide down the mound into a pool of water collected in the hole - rain water. The kids were loving it!!! If I was 7, I'd have been loving it too, but I'm not, and age forces the moms to just watch while sitting in the hot sun.

I should have taken a photo of the slide - next time. But the photos here are of the kids on a pony ride.

The pony was caving in (a little) when Olivia got on, but he adjusted. It was funny.

Overall, we had a great time - It was definitely different.