Friday, November 21, 2008

The basket thing - two weeks until the opening.

I've avoided writing about my other 'baby' because I wasn't sure if I was going to actually go through with it or not. But since it looks like I'm a go, I'll start keeping track of the progress.

December 4 is the hospital craft fair and I'm renting a booth to sell the baskets. I've spent the past few months gathering supply and researching website hosting (that is another day's conversation) all in an attempt to finally get this thing off the ground.

I've actually gone for the past two weeks into shut down mode. I just was overwhelmed with life and kept thinking that the day will come with I'm having a bad day and, after getting everyone to bed, will have to make up baskets to be delivered the next day.

I let the fear of success actually stop me.

But today, I spent the entire day creating baskets. I've built about 30 and have the supply for 15 more. I'll be ordering new supply over the weekend.

But, let's face it, I'm not good at bookkeeping. I don't think I'll ever make $$$ on this but even if I did - I don't think I'd know it.

My fingers are crossed that success somes in slow increments.

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