Last month, Olivia and Meredith spent the weekend with my parents - which is something they do on occasion. While they were up there, Olivia got a really bad headache. She gets these sinus headaches about one a month, never sick, just a headache. I guess it is allergies and usually just slip her some Claritin - which doesn't do much.
So that weekend, my mother gave her Drixoral, which is a decongestant. She didn't call to ask us if it was ok - she had the medicine and gave it to her. And it worked!! Took away the headache wonderfully.
When she came home the next day, my mother sent her home with the almost empty box (only about 2 pills left).
Nice Grandmotherly thing to do, right?
Did I bother to check the box? No, why would I? I stashed it away in case one of those sinus headaches came back.
Now, even though Olivia is almost 10, she weighs 110lbs. For most medicines that are weight-based for dosing, her body can take the adult dose.
Over the last month she has had to take those two pills... with much success. Works wonders.
Last night, another headache... empty box. So, I send my wonderful hubby to the drug store and ask him to pick up a box of Drixoral for her. Innocent enough...
When he couldn't find any on the shelves, he approached the pharmacist to ask for the med. He said that the lady almost came out of her skin... turns out that Drixoral has been off the market for 3 years!!!
Yes - this made me pick up the box and check the expriation date... EXPIRED AUGUST 2005!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, it never occurred to me to check an expiration date. Who really looks at that anyway? I have taken many meds that were a few months expired... most are still good. And, actually, this one was probably too - exprired drug usually equals loss of potency. But still....
How embarassing for Bryan, who got lectured on exprired meds (he had the box with him)from the pharmacist. And how this med is not for children.... she doesn't know mine is as big as me.
My mother wasn't even swayed when we called her. She actually said not to worry about not getting it, b/c (are you ready for this?)....
SHE HAS ANOTHER BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why I'm surprised.... in my house, growing up, leftovers were always good for weeks. (not like the days of my home today). And I never did realize that my mom always had a spare bottle on anitbiotic sitting on the refridgerator shelf.
Never occurred to me that these were NASTY things... just life as normal.
Needless to say, switching back Olivia to Claritin.
Lesson learned... right?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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