Well, another week has passed and we all survived, right?
School, for me, is not going to be SO grueling over the next few weeks b/c we are not in the hospitals yet. That doesn't start until October, so I don't have to drive to Miami more than two days a week. Sweet.
Today, Bryan's family are coming over to celebrate our niece's birthday. She is 13... our house is prime b/c it is easy to house 10+ children when you start with 4. It will be nice to see Bryan's sister... I haven't seen her for a while.
Spent the day alone with the kids yesterday - Bryan had football and then he had to take a football-related test on-line so he wasn't free until about 6pm. I spent the day - deep cleaning and laundry. Brutal.
This is how bad I didn't want to pick up another book for school. Although I must try to sneak in a few pages now.
Thought I'd post this photo - did I already post it? It is ,by far, my most favorite of Bryan and any of our children. That baby loves him SO much - you can see it on her face - and Bryan is just so handsome.
I am a lucky, lucky girl.
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