I know that I've been completely neglecting this blog, but I knew that the month of July was going to be a real ball-buster and it has proven to be true. This is only a test run for the amount of homework I will have over the next two years. We are staying afloat, but noticing a difference already. (not necessarily for the better)
The photos here are actually from Father's day. We all had dinner with my parents at the restaurant Christine Lee's. It was a nice evening. Kids were fine, believe it or not. Wade is the only one who is an issue and it is only because he has no volume control and he thinks that farting at the table (ANY TABLE) is funny. So if you can get over that, it was uneventful.
Meredith is having that oral surgery this coming Friday. Her front teeth are coming in with an abnormally wide gap. On x-ray, she has a third (extra) tooth right in the middle of the two front teerth. It is preventing her teeth from moving together and the other teeth can't come down. Not only is it extra - it is upside down! It looks like a bottom tooth stuck up in the upper gum... the tip of the tooth is just under her nose. Freaky! She will have much pain, I'm sure, since they may need to remove it through her palate. Cleared our schedule for the evening and the next day.
Hopefully, this will prevent her from needing braces twice. Once now and later at 13. We'll see.
Olivia is doing well. She hasn't had the spotting since the day of the surgery - and they found nothing on the surgery. Funny how she spotted for 8 months, they take a look (find nothing) and the bleeding stops. $8,000 workup with no answer. Insurance will cover most of it, but I'm sure a bill will come up soon for what we owe.
Speaking of owe - We are still getting bills for Wade's trip to the ER over in Ft. Myers. Ambulance trip was $700 (alone). Keep forwarding the bills to the insurance company - pain in the a**.
Meredith's oral surgery will cost $980.00 out of pocket!!! That is after the dental insurance kicked in. Payable before the surgery. OUCH!
We are leaving on Aug. 6th to go to Mass. for 12 days. Staying with friends mostly, but a 3 day hotel and 4 day car rental is $1000. After paying for Meredith's tooth removal - I'm thinking we won't need to eat on the trip, right?
Speaking of eat... I have lost 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks. Completely let go of anything high in fat, high in carbs and have only drank water (after one cup of coffee before 6am each day.) It has been a great challenge, but I was topping the scales and I needed to do something about it.
Smoking crack cocaine helps... LOL!
Weight goal is half way there. If I lost 20 pounds, that would be nice. Clothes would fit better, if not too big.
Probably won't be back for a while, but I'll try.
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