Last week was Thanksgiving. We all went up to my parent's home for dinner. It was wonderful to see Tom and Linda, Lisa and Drew, Richard and Patricia... of course, my whole clan was there. Tearing up the place, but that's what we do best.
No photos, no camera - I drove there from work. It was a long day, that ending with a great meal.
Today Bryan left for Maryland. He's in a class for the police dept. and won't be home until Friday evening. No time to miss him though - this is a busy week.
I scheduled the family for a meet and greet with Santa at my work Tuesday night. I forgot that Bryan was going to be away and I wouldn't have done it if I'd remembered.
My neighbor, Lani and her 13 year old daughter, Brittany, will be going with us. It is $8 pizza nite at John the Baker's - we'll be eating there and heading up to the hospital, after the kids get home from CCD and I get off work. Busy, busy.
Wednesday, I'll be frantically getting ready for the craft fair at the hospital - which is Thursday. It is also the day that Olivia's class is taking a field trip to FORT MYERS! Of all days, right.
My mom and friend, Lani again, are pitching in to help drop off kids and pick them up later. I am dedicated to this craft fair.
It is the test to see if people will be buying my baskets - if the market is truly out there.
The baskets are ready - about 30-40 made... in two sizes. Prices range from $30 to $40.
I'm still working on the website... it is It is nice to see it up and running. I haven't listed any products, but the email works and if people are interested, they'll get hold of me.
The photos of Wade were just too cute to not print out. He is such a ham.
I'll try to get on this blog again, this week, but no promises. It is a VERY busy week planned.
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