Lot's to say today so I'll try to be brief...
An update on the neighbor's little girl with leukemia is that she is still dealing with an aggressive cancer. I guess they must draw blood levels on her before her chemo treatment each week and they have yet to draw one that is good. Before each chemo treatment, they need to transfuse blood and platelets. Then, she gets her chemo, which is only a quick infusion. But it takes her little body the week to feel better and then it is time for a new treatment.
The mother told me that this will be the pattern until mid-summer next year. She told me that the levels of immune antibodies are so low that she is at risk for getting really sick and not being able to fight it.
Then tell me why they are taking the child to Publix and the Sawgrass Mills mall? I'm thinking that the doctors are telling them to try to keep things as normal as possible and that they are choosing not to take her out in peak hours.
I think that if it were my child... I'd seal up my home and not let anyone in or out for a long time. They were willing to have Olivia and Meredith over to play this week - their older daughter got a game she wanted to play with my kids. Well, I wouldn't let mine go. I told the family that our home was dealing with a stomach virus and, even though mine haven't gotten sick, I didn't want to run the risk of getting Sofia sick. They were grateful and thanked me for thinking about her.
I'm like - you have no idea what anyone's kids will bring in. How guilty would I feel if I knew that one of mine landed that kid in the hospital? I told mine, they can't play there for a very long time. Maybe play OUTSIDE with the older sister... but that is it!
She still hasn't lost her hair. We saw her today... her father was walking her around the block for some fresh air. Again, trying to keep it all NORMAL, but did he really feel that the child could walk around the block? I guess he doesn't know how it feels to be ANEMIC! Men - they just don't get it, do they?
They also bought a new puppy for Christmas. I have to admit, it is a cute dog, called a MORKIE (maltese and yorkie mix) really cute and I'm thinking that the new puppy will add some joy to a home that is dealing with much sadness. I just wish this mother wasn't putting so much on her plate.
Speaking of plate...
I made a big pot of sauce today and shared half of it with them. She seems grateful and I think that she was going to give her family speghetti for dinner. I'm hoping they like my cooking... cause I'll be making much for them. Just double batching meals and splitting it.
I just wish that I could turn back the clock and take away all the past few weeks and make it all go away for them. That would be my wish.
I'll keep posting updates about her to let you know what is going on. It is just a simple awareness that it only takes one day to totally uproot your entire lives.
Be grateful each and every day for the mere fact that you got up and were able to hug your child or family today. Be grateful for the crazy normal that your life involves... tomorrow it could be all gone.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas 2008
Today is Christmas! We are looking forward to a nice day up at my parent's home. Last night, Bryan's family came over to celebrate.
My father-in-law, Steve, became ill Tuesday nite, after having dinner at our home, and had to be put in the hospital. At first, they thought it was food poisoning (still could be), then they thought it was his pancreas (it wasn't) or it could just be a virus. But after having dinner at out house on Tuesday, he spent a few hours vomitting.
He already has a weak heart and any hours spent vomitting couldn't be good - so they admitted him. He is still in the hospital but is expected to go home today. Whether or not we'll see him is still up in the air. They may decide to just drive back to Ft. Myers.
During the questionable dinner, he was the only one who ate relish on a hot dog. So the joke is that Bryan and I tried to kill him with the SPICY relish. (it helps when you say it in an Italian accent.) We are having a laugh - at his expense. Too bad.
It is a rare thing when all 9 grandchildren are together - that is all of them in the photo.
Also, is the photo of Greatnana (age 92) and Paige (age 8 months). They are the oldest and youngest people in our family. I like photos like that!
The girls got motorscooters and Wade got a bike from Santa - but it is raining so they won't get too much riding in today.
Olivia and Meredith discovered a roll of Christmas wrapping paper under my bed. It was the same paper that Santa used. They can't believe that Santa snuck in our room and got the wrap without me knowing. (HE HE HE!!)
One extra photo of Grandpa and Paige - his buddy.
I hope that everyone's Christmas is special.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Countdown to Christmas!
Well, as usual, I have nothing to report other than the usual busy-ness that swirls around our lives.
Yesterday, Saturday, was my only day off in 5 days and we spent some of it with my brother, Richard and his fiance Patricia. We had to do an early Christmas with them because they flew out to Switzerland last night and won't be back until after New years. Later in the evening, Bryan and I went to my holiday Christmas party. It was nice, but I had to leave early - 5am rolls around quickly in this house and I already said that I had to work today.
I work today, Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is Christmas eve and Thursday is the big day. So, only my last true day off (Thurs.) I spent the entire day wrapping. Lani, my friend, came over and we wrapped my family gifts for 5 hours.
Now, believe it or not, we scaled down this year. 5 hours of wrapping was really filled with minutes wasted looking for more tape and re-wrapping the gifts that are supposed to come from me and Bryan (as opposed to the big guy). I had to keep a roll of paper hidden and wrap some gift in it so the older ones don't catch on to the exact paper being used.
We have our Elf on a Shelf out. We have an elf that lives with us (google it and you'll see what I mean) that keeps watch over the children and every night reports to Santa how everyone is behaving.
Well, two nights ago... Freddie (our elf) didn't move!! Someone who shall remain nameless, forgot about him. So, the kids get up and look for him each morning and that morning he was in the same place as the day before.
The story goes that the only reason the elf won't go to the North Pole (while everyone is asleep) is because a child touched him. So, I covered my blunder quickly and asked the children 'who touched him?' knowing full well that no-one did.
They were each blaming the others!! and the girls decided that it had to be Wade. So, Wade is standing under this elf doll, that is perched up on a high shelf, and states that he can't even reach it!!!! But the girls KNEW it wasn't them so it HAD to be him, right?
I know that somewhere, in heaven, God will forgive me for allowing the children to blame each other for my mistake. I'm sure it won't be the first time.
Yesterday, Saturday, was my only day off in 5 days and we spent some of it with my brother, Richard and his fiance Patricia. We had to do an early Christmas with them because they flew out to Switzerland last night and won't be back until after New years. Later in the evening, Bryan and I went to my holiday Christmas party. It was nice, but I had to leave early - 5am rolls around quickly in this house and I already said that I had to work today.
I work today, Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is Christmas eve and Thursday is the big day. So, only my last true day off (Thurs.) I spent the entire day wrapping. Lani, my friend, came over and we wrapped my family gifts for 5 hours.
Now, believe it or not, we scaled down this year. 5 hours of wrapping was really filled with minutes wasted looking for more tape and re-wrapping the gifts that are supposed to come from me and Bryan (as opposed to the big guy). I had to keep a roll of paper hidden and wrap some gift in it so the older ones don't catch on to the exact paper being used.
We have our Elf on a Shelf out. We have an elf that lives with us (google it and you'll see what I mean) that keeps watch over the children and every night reports to Santa how everyone is behaving.
Well, two nights ago... Freddie (our elf) didn't move!! Someone who shall remain nameless, forgot about him. So, the kids get up and look for him each morning and that morning he was in the same place as the day before.
The story goes that the only reason the elf won't go to the North Pole (while everyone is asleep) is because a child touched him. So, I covered my blunder quickly and asked the children 'who touched him?' knowing full well that no-one did.
They were each blaming the others!! and the girls decided that it had to be Wade. So, Wade is standing under this elf doll, that is perched up on a high shelf, and states that he can't even reach it!!!! But the girls KNEW it wasn't them so it HAD to be him, right?
I know that somewhere, in heaven, God will forgive me for allowing the children to blame each other for my mistake. I'm sure it won't be the first time.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I am proud to say that I'm done with everything Christmas in our house... I can now sit back and enjoy the holiday.
My friend, Lani, came over today and we spent 4 hours wrapping. It was a bonding experience. She is a true friend and, after today, I am thrilled that she is mine.
We are hosting Christmas eve dinner here, for everyone in Bryan's family. It'll be one of the few times, in a year, that all 9 grandchildren are together.
The above photos are just some moments around our home that I had to photograph.
Paige is getting big... she is crawling now and the girls fight over her constantly.
She our angel.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Looks like the planets are all lining up...
The past few days have been very sureal. I'll try to be brief in explaining why... I'm tired.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine came over so I could write a letter for her. The letter my a recommendation to help her get admitted into Nurse Anestheia school.
I wrote the letter and that whole topic of conversation started between me and Bryan, with him saying that he thinks it is something I should do - become a Nurse Anesthetist.
It has never been a career goal - you can't work during the the 2.5 year program and we really need my salary.
Besides, they only allow 30 applicants, per year, and the deadline for next year's schooling is past. Meaning, I have to wait to apply for the school and attend in 2010.
Anyway, turns out that they extended the deadline. I heard that, wrote a quick email to the school director and sent it yesterday.
Well, they called me today. They are interested in my applying.
Now, my days are full of preparing for the GRE (an English and math test for Graduate students). Really hard exam and you have to pass it (well) or else you can't be admitted to the program.
The plan is for me to complete the admissions packet, take the GRE and get interviewed by the school in Feb.
Some people plan months and months for this... I'm doing the whole thing is less than 3 days, completing it in less than 2 months.
If I get in... I'll have to quit work in August and attend school full time for 2.5 years.
That poor basket business of mine will NEVER get off the ground.
I'll keep you posted.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine came over so I could write a letter for her. The letter my a recommendation to help her get admitted into Nurse Anestheia school.
I wrote the letter and that whole topic of conversation started between me and Bryan, with him saying that he thinks it is something I should do - become a Nurse Anesthetist.
It has never been a career goal - you can't work during the the 2.5 year program and we really need my salary.
Besides, they only allow 30 applicants, per year, and the deadline for next year's schooling is past. Meaning, I have to wait to apply for the school and attend in 2010.
Anyway, turns out that they extended the deadline. I heard that, wrote a quick email to the school director and sent it yesterday.
Well, they called me today. They are interested in my applying.
Now, my days are full of preparing for the GRE (an English and math test for Graduate students). Really hard exam and you have to pass it (well) or else you can't be admitted to the program.
The plan is for me to complete the admissions packet, take the GRE and get interviewed by the school in Feb.
Some people plan months and months for this... I'm doing the whole thing is less than 3 days, completing it in less than 2 months.
If I get in... I'll have to quit work in August and attend school full time for 2.5 years.
That poor basket business of mine will NEVER get off the ground.
I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My December plan
Taking my time until after the new year. My promise, to myself, was that if the baskets did well at the craft fair I'd jump into the website with both feet. If not, I'd sit back and enjoy the holidays.
I'm thinking that I'm going to do away with the larger baskets. Completed - they are not as nice as the smaller ones. I have found that if I want to add the stuffed animals to the smaller baskets I can just tie one to the outside bow with the long ribbons of the bow. I did this for a friend and it was really cute.
I'm planning on using all the smaller Christmas themed boxes to house the teacher gifts for the kids' teachers next week. So they won't be going to waste.
I've gotten some great feedback over the last week. A neighbor gave a basket to a hospitalized friend... the patient called her, a few days later, to thank her for the basket. She was amazed at how every item was useful and she was impressed.
Another co-worker - who never says more than Hello to me - told me yesterday that I was the topic of conversation between he and his wife over coffee yesterday morning. He told me that he told her about the baskets and that he was impressed with the idea because it would take a nurse to KNOW what people really need the hospital. He wished me well.
Another co-worker, from a different department, spent the past two days trying to talk to me. When she finally crossed paths with me in the hallway, she wanted to talk about how I can go about getting the baskets into the hospital. She suggested that I go straight to the top and have a meeting with the administrator and offer to split the profit with the hospital.
Our hospital has a new family-centered resource center, basically a room full of computers that allows family members to access emails and get on-line. This co-worker told me that she knows that the hospital scraped together a small budget to open that room and that I should offer to have the $$$ from orders go to that room - in exchange for allowing my flyers to be placed in the room.
I'm thinking the whole thing over. Frightened of success, of course.
Bottom line - two weeks til Christmas. I'm enjoying it.
I'm thinking that I'm going to do away with the larger baskets. Completed - they are not as nice as the smaller ones. I have found that if I want to add the stuffed animals to the smaller baskets I can just tie one to the outside bow with the long ribbons of the bow. I did this for a friend and it was really cute.
I'm planning on using all the smaller Christmas themed boxes to house the teacher gifts for the kids' teachers next week. So they won't be going to waste.
I've gotten some great feedback over the last week. A neighbor gave a basket to a hospitalized friend... the patient called her, a few days later, to thank her for the basket. She was amazed at how every item was useful and she was impressed.
Another co-worker - who never says more than Hello to me - told me yesterday that I was the topic of conversation between he and his wife over coffee yesterday morning. He told me that he told her about the baskets and that he was impressed with the idea because it would take a nurse to KNOW what people really need the hospital. He wished me well.
Another co-worker, from a different department, spent the past two days trying to talk to me. When she finally crossed paths with me in the hallway, she wanted to talk about how I can go about getting the baskets into the hospital. She suggested that I go straight to the top and have a meeting with the administrator and offer to split the profit with the hospital.
Our hospital has a new family-centered resource center, basically a room full of computers that allows family members to access emails and get on-line. This co-worker told me that she knows that the hospital scraped together a small budget to open that room and that I should offer to have the $$$ from orders go to that room - in exchange for allowing my flyers to be placed in the room.
I'm thinking the whole thing over. Frightened of success, of course.
Bottom line - two weeks til Christmas. I'm enjoying it.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I changed my recent post
For anyone who read the previous post about 'busy week', please know that I edited it.
My words were harsh and I was upset after hearing bad news about my neighbor's child.
The update is that it is leukemia. She received a port for chemo today and they actually began chemo treatments. Apparently, the first few treatments are injected into to spine.
I hear she is good and in good spirits at the hospital. The doctors told the family that she won't be able to return to school this whole year - needs to be home schooled and won't be allowed to play (or have friends over) for months and months. Can't risk the infection.
Anyway, I texted the mother to say that if she had any questions, she can call me. I think that she doesn't really think that Bryan and I should be involved.
I made the offer to help... that is all I can do.
My words were harsh and I was upset after hearing bad news about my neighbor's child.
The update is that it is leukemia. She received a port for chemo today and they actually began chemo treatments. Apparently, the first few treatments are injected into to spine.
I hear she is good and in good spirits at the hospital. The doctors told the family that she won't be able to return to school this whole year - needs to be home schooled and won't be allowed to play (or have friends over) for months and months. Can't risk the infection.
Anyway, I texted the mother to say that if she had any questions, she can call me. I think that she doesn't really think that Bryan and I should be involved.
I made the offer to help... that is all I can do.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Busy Busy week
Since the only time I have to write anything down is in the morning, I'm here now with an update for this week.
First, my co-worker annual Christmas Tea was on Monday. It is a group of us (about 14) that used to work together in 1993. We started having an English Tea during December and this year was our 15th year. None of us still work together... most are managers somewhere, some are directors, others are IT nurses working on the computer system for out hospital. But we all manage to make it on this special day. I'll post more about it later, when I get the pictures out of the camera.
Tonight, Bryan and I are meeting some people at the Hard Rock for dinner and Jeff Dunham. I think that's his name. He is the comedian with the puppets. I don't even get home from work (after picking up kids) until 5:15pm. We are meeting them for dinner at 6pm. Somewhere in there I have to drop Meredith off at a friends house so the friend can take her to her soccer game. Wade and Paige won't even see us at all today...sad.
Biggest news... one of my neighborhood kids was hospitalized yesterday and they think she has leukemia. Talk about rocking our world.
This family has two girls ages - 5 and 9.
Now, it is the younger one who is sick. She has been very tired lately, and they took her to the doctor on Monday - bloodwork. Went back on Tuesday - more bloodwork and stright to the hospital.
I hear that they were told the child will remain in the hospital for 10 days. Possibly getting chemo.
The parents don't have any medical backround and I'm sure are in shock. Sometimes it is best to not have medical knowledge. Their daughter has a 15% chance that she won't live to see 10 years old.
I'm hoping that the news out today is different, but if it is leukemia - it'll be a really bad month.
I'm going to speak with my other neighbors about completing their Christmas shopping for them. Take that weight off their shoulders, maybe.
The whole thing is sad.
First, my co-worker annual Christmas Tea was on Monday. It is a group of us (about 14) that used to work together in 1993. We started having an English Tea during December and this year was our 15th year. None of us still work together... most are managers somewhere, some are directors, others are IT nurses working on the computer system for out hospital. But we all manage to make it on this special day. I'll post more about it later, when I get the pictures out of the camera.
Tonight, Bryan and I are meeting some people at the Hard Rock for dinner and Jeff Dunham. I think that's his name. He is the comedian with the puppets. I don't even get home from work (after picking up kids) until 5:15pm. We are meeting them for dinner at 6pm. Somewhere in there I have to drop Meredith off at a friends house so the friend can take her to her soccer game. Wade and Paige won't even see us at all today...sad.
Biggest news... one of my neighborhood kids was hospitalized yesterday and they think she has leukemia. Talk about rocking our world.
This family has two girls ages - 5 and 9.
Now, it is the younger one who is sick. She has been very tired lately, and they took her to the doctor on Monday - bloodwork. Went back on Tuesday - more bloodwork and stright to the hospital.
I hear that they were told the child will remain in the hospital for 10 days. Possibly getting chemo.
The parents don't have any medical backround and I'm sure are in shock. Sometimes it is best to not have medical knowledge. Their daughter has a 15% chance that she won't live to see 10 years old.
I'm hoping that the news out today is different, but if it is leukemia - it'll be a really bad month.
I'm going to speak with my other neighbors about completing their Christmas shopping for them. Take that weight off their shoulders, maybe.
The whole thing is sad.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Today was the Holiday Craft fair I've been waiting for...
For three months, I've been waiting for December 4th. It was the day of my hospital's holiday craft fair. I was granted permission to have a booth and have spent EVERY free moment of the past two months gathering supplies and starting the website.
My poor children has seen me minimally - I've been pawning them off a lot to family and friends - just to give the the time to create the baskets and have some to sell a the fair.
Today was the fair.
Bryan is out of town (figures) and it was also Olivia's class field trip to Fort Myers. I've recruited my mom and dad plus a few neighbors to help get children to school and drop off Olivia at the school at 6:30 am.
I had to pack my car late last night and leave this morning at 5:30 to get there in time to have a co-worker help me unload the car and set up the table.
I'm running on less than 4 hours sleep and I've thought of nothing else for the last two months.
We were a go!!!!!!!
Guess how many baskets I sold? Z - E - R - O !!!!!!!!
Can you believe it? Looking back - it wasn't really my fault. The hospital had us all in a side hallway and didn't have a single sign up telling people about the sale.
We'd all sit for an hour and have only 3 people walk by. If I'd have given every person who walked by a free one - I'd still have some in my car.
What a bomb! I'm totally bummed.
However, the bright side is that my big stack of business cards almost all disappeared. There were several people who took flyers or cards and mentioned that they have family who own assisted living places or run a Jewish nursing home.
They mentioned that their family may be interested in setting up something with me and my baskets.
I did take a photo of my table but I'll have to post it later...too tired.
My website keeps track of how many times it is viewed - and I'm up to 129 views so far. That is not all me, I know, so I know some people are looking at it.
Remember, it is bedsidebaskets.com.
Fingers crossed that I'll be getting some emails from interested people.
Gotta go for now, I'm just pooped out. And believe it or not, one of my bathrooms is clogged up. I spent an hour plunging and plunging.
Then I had to take a second shower and the toilet still doesn't flush.
I'll have time to work on it tomorrow... Meredith has a fever of 103 deg. and it is only me that can be here for her tomorrow... so I already called in.
Just a day in our life, right?
My poor children has seen me minimally - I've been pawning them off a lot to family and friends - just to give the the time to create the baskets and have some to sell a the fair.
Today was the fair.
Bryan is out of town (figures) and it was also Olivia's class field trip to Fort Myers. I've recruited my mom and dad plus a few neighbors to help get children to school and drop off Olivia at the school at 6:30 am.
I had to pack my car late last night and leave this morning at 5:30 to get there in time to have a co-worker help me unload the car and set up the table.
I'm running on less than 4 hours sleep and I've thought of nothing else for the last two months.
We were a go!!!!!!!
Guess how many baskets I sold? Z - E - R - O !!!!!!!!
Can you believe it? Looking back - it wasn't really my fault. The hospital had us all in a side hallway and didn't have a single sign up telling people about the sale.
We'd all sit for an hour and have only 3 people walk by. If I'd have given every person who walked by a free one - I'd still have some in my car.
What a bomb! I'm totally bummed.
However, the bright side is that my big stack of business cards almost all disappeared. There were several people who took flyers or cards and mentioned that they have family who own assisted living places or run a Jewish nursing home.
They mentioned that their family may be interested in setting up something with me and my baskets.
I did take a photo of my table but I'll have to post it later...too tired.
My website keeps track of how many times it is viewed - and I'm up to 129 views so far. That is not all me, I know, so I know some people are looking at it.
Remember, it is bedsidebaskets.com.
Fingers crossed that I'll be getting some emails from interested people.
Gotta go for now, I'm just pooped out. And believe it or not, one of my bathrooms is clogged up. I spent an hour plunging and plunging.
Then I had to take a second shower and the toilet still doesn't flush.
I'll have time to work on it tomorrow... Meredith has a fever of 103 deg. and it is only me that can be here for her tomorrow... so I already called in.
Just a day in our life, right?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Gearing up for a busy week.
Last week was Thanksgiving. We all went up to my parent's home for dinner. It was wonderful to see Tom and Linda, Lisa and Drew, Richard and Patricia... of course, my whole clan was there. Tearing up the place, but that's what we do best.
No photos, no camera - I drove there from work. It was a long day, that ending with a great meal.
Today Bryan left for Maryland. He's in a class for the police dept. and won't be home until Friday evening. No time to miss him though - this is a busy week.
I scheduled the family for a meet and greet with Santa at my work Tuesday night. I forgot that Bryan was going to be away and I wouldn't have done it if I'd remembered.
My neighbor, Lani and her 13 year old daughter, Brittany, will be going with us. It is $8 pizza nite at John the Baker's - we'll be eating there and heading up to the hospital, after the kids get home from CCD and I get off work. Busy, busy.
Wednesday, I'll be frantically getting ready for the craft fair at the hospital - which is Thursday. It is also the day that Olivia's class is taking a field trip to FORT MYERS! Of all days, right.
My mom and friend, Lani again, are pitching in to help drop off kids and pick them up later. I am dedicated to this craft fair.
It is the test to see if people will be buying my baskets - if the market is truly out there.
The baskets are ready - about 30-40 made... in two sizes. Prices range from $30 to $40.
I'm still working on the website... it is www.bedsidebaskets.com. It is nice to see it up and running. I haven't listed any products, but the email works and if people are interested, they'll get hold of me.
The photos of Wade were just too cute to not print out. He is such a ham.
I'll try to get on this blog again, this week, but no promises. It is a VERY busy week planned.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Family photo with us all in it - 2008

Here is a few of us all...
Now you'll understand why I didn't put Mommy and Daddy in the card.
Besides our weight gain this year, I don't think that the matching shirts - girls in pink and boys in blue - worked.
It would have been better with all in the same color... too much pink and differences in height for me to use these.
But I'll show you those plus a few rejects...
Christmas photos 2008

Took the kids, yesterday, to the photographer we use each year for our family Christmas photo. The coordination of haircuts, matching clothes and clearing schedules for a day was a terrible challenge - but worth it!
I'm having some photos of the children blown up for our wall. Each child has their own 11x14 photo on a wall in our living room. Paige's frame is still wrapped in cellophane and waiting for its first photo.
These came out too cute!
I didn't choose any with Bryan and me in them for the Christmas cards this year - you don't realize how heavy you are until you see yourself in a photo.
Just the children this year.nge
Friday, November 21, 2008
The basket thing - two weeks until the opening.
I've avoided writing about my other 'baby' because I wasn't sure if I was going to actually go through with it or not. But since it looks like I'm a go, I'll start keeping track of the progress.
December 4 is the hospital craft fair and I'm renting a booth to sell the baskets. I've spent the past few months gathering supply and researching website hosting (that is another day's conversation) all in an attempt to finally get this thing off the ground.
I've actually gone for the past two weeks into shut down mode. I just was overwhelmed with life and kept thinking that the day will come with I'm having a bad day and, after getting everyone to bed, will have to make up baskets to be delivered the next day.
I let the fear of success actually stop me.
But today, I spent the entire day creating baskets. I've built about 30 and have the supply for 15 more. I'll be ordering new supply over the weekend.
But, let's face it, I'm not good at bookkeeping. I don't think I'll ever make $$$ on this but even if I did - I don't think I'd know it.
My fingers are crossed that success somes in slow increments.
December 4 is the hospital craft fair and I'm renting a booth to sell the baskets. I've spent the past few months gathering supply and researching website hosting (that is another day's conversation) all in an attempt to finally get this thing off the ground.
I've actually gone for the past two weeks into shut down mode. I just was overwhelmed with life and kept thinking that the day will come with I'm having a bad day and, after getting everyone to bed, will have to make up baskets to be delivered the next day.
I let the fear of success actually stop me.
But today, I spent the entire day creating baskets. I've built about 30 and have the supply for 15 more. I'll be ordering new supply over the weekend.
But, let's face it, I'm not good at bookkeeping. I don't think I'll ever make $$$ on this but even if I did - I don't think I'd know it.
My fingers are crossed that success somes in slow increments.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wade's Thanksgiving lunch at his school
Today Wade's school hosted a Thanksgiving lunch for the parents. It was cute - turkey, gravy, potatoes, corn.
Cooked and served by the staff and teachers. I love this school!
Even though Wade has been home sick from school all week - yes, I called in on Monday and Tuesday. We had paid $$$ for today, so we, me and him, went into the school for lunch.
We left Paige in her baby room for the hour - it was nice to eat lunch with my son.
We shared a table with another family - Wade's friend Vince. It was obvious that Vince had missed Wade for the last week - the boys kept hugging. It was cute.
Turns out that Vince's dad is a musician who really makes a living doing that. He is the lead singer of a band called Phat Munky...look them up - he's the one with the long hair.
He also is the voice behind the CD of Go Diego Go. I found clips on the web and it is really him!!
Pretty cool to meet the guy on the Diego song - not something you do everyday.
Our kitchen...
Olivia, during the morning hustle to get everyone off the school, says to me...
"Mommy, I love our kitchen. It reminds me of a restaurant because it is always messy."
Was that a backhanded compliment, or what?
"Mommy, I love our kitchen. It reminds me of a restaurant because it is always messy."
Was that a backhanded compliment, or what?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Green Meadows petting zoo
We visited this petting zoo, as we do every year, while we were up there last month.
Each year, we learn another lesson. First, it was to make sure everyone has on sneakers. Next, it was to bring snacks. Then, it was to eat a meal JUST before going. This year, it was to bring enough drinks for everyone for the day.
I'll never learn.
Great place for children and families that need a day off of the parks in Orlando.
Love this place.
Pumkin patch photos
Finally some photos!
I finally got my photos out of my camera. I can't edit them because I still can't get the software to open up, but I'm afraid that I'll have to back up my files and just delete the whole thing, starting from scratch. It'll be next year and I still won't have it done.
Anyway, here are some photos... just so you can see the little ones.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My words were published!
Not in a major magazine, but remember that blog I wrote about the girl in a wheelchair and how I stop the watch her mother place her into the car each day?
Well, one of my friends runs the hospital's news bulletin... and she printed it in the latest version of it!!!
She didn't even tell me first.
I was at work this morning and one of my managers came up to me, crying, to tell me she was touched by what I'd written.
I was like..."I haven't written anything - what are you talking about?" and she told me about the bulletin... it is called the Westword.
I spent my day... at work approached by people - some of whom I don't even know - who came to me in the hallways and let me know how that article touched them.
I was really surprised... I saw my friend - who printed it - and told her a little warning would have been nice. She told me that if she had told me she was planning on using it, I'd have told her no.
She was right.
Well, one of my friends runs the hospital's news bulletin... and she printed it in the latest version of it!!!
She didn't even tell me first.
I was at work this morning and one of my managers came up to me, crying, to tell me she was touched by what I'd written.
I was like..."I haven't written anything - what are you talking about?" and she told me about the bulletin... it is called the Westword.
I spent my day... at work approached by people - some of whom I don't even know - who came to me in the hallways and let me know how that article touched them.
I was really surprised... I saw my friend - who printed it - and told her a little warning would have been nice. She told me that if she had told me she was planning on using it, I'd have told her no.
She was right.
The bowels of our home
Somewhere, deep within the bowels of our home, are the missing items from our home.
1. about 20 unmatched socks - that will never have a match because the other one got thrown out months ago when I could find a pair.
2. Meredith's Nintendo DS. (Olivia's was there too, but it came back to us last week... it had been placed in a duffel bag that was shoved in the back of a closet.)
3. About 3 pairs of sneakers... one for each child. They are new and were replaced when my children needed a pair of shoes and I couldn't find the ones I just bought.
4. Every pencil in our home that is sharp.
5. Our pencil sharpener.
6. Olivia's kindergarten and first grade photos... I placed them in a SAFE place. So safe, I forget where they are. Only important because I bought a frame for the school photos and now hers is empty in the first two slots.
7. Every pacifier Paige ever used. I gave the preschool ONE and they still have it. I bought 10 and can't seem to find any. Not a big deal because she doesn't use them anymore, but my point is that she doesn't use them because there was none to be found.
8. Many, many hair ties.
9. Quite a few missing puzzle pieces.
10. My sanity!!!!!!! Right?
There is much much more, too. But I'll let it go now.
1. about 20 unmatched socks - that will never have a match because the other one got thrown out months ago when I could find a pair.
2. Meredith's Nintendo DS. (Olivia's was there too, but it came back to us last week... it had been placed in a duffel bag that was shoved in the back of a closet.)
3. About 3 pairs of sneakers... one for each child. They are new and were replaced when my children needed a pair of shoes and I couldn't find the ones I just bought.
4. Every pencil in our home that is sharp.
5. Our pencil sharpener.
6. Olivia's kindergarten and first grade photos... I placed them in a SAFE place. So safe, I forget where they are. Only important because I bought a frame for the school photos and now hers is empty in the first two slots.
7. Every pacifier Paige ever used. I gave the preschool ONE and they still have it. I bought 10 and can't seem to find any. Not a big deal because she doesn't use them anymore, but my point is that she doesn't use them because there was none to be found.
8. Many, many hair ties.
9. Quite a few missing puzzle pieces.
10. My sanity!!!!!!! Right?
There is much much more, too. But I'll let it go now.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
So, I emailed my brother, over this weekend, to schedule a day for him to come over and try to fix this computer glitch. You know, the whole thing with the camera.
I have a laundry list of other things about the computer that I want him to look at. Little things like... getting rid of some programs that I cannot seem to delete from my computer. Or addressing the fact that the Apple Ipod I have won't allow me to create a backup CD for music purchased over the internet. There's more but I won't bore you.
I had to work today. I thought, until this morning, that they were going to cancel me. Turns out that we had a busier day than most weekdays. It was crazy busy and I got stuck there for 12 hours.
Came home to my parents here, helping Bryan, and dinner on the table. This is why I love family.
Paige is 'this close' to sitting up on her own. She is just beautiful, very pretty, big eyes that track you across the room. She also has mastered the walker and now actually chases us across the rooms in it.
Wade got put to bed early tonite and with much drama. He bit the baby on her finger... hard!!! It left little teeth marks on her pinkie. I was sitting right next to them and he was kissing her. Next thing I know, she is crying and I can't figure out why.
Then Wade announces that he bit her. He was almost proud! Well, he got a pop on the mouth and placed immediately to bed. ( it was already 8pm, not like he wasn't needing to go) but he didn't know what time it was. He was crying; Paige was crying.
It was rather loud.
As I sit here, Bryan is watching TV with his cousin, Michael, who is visiting from Virginia. He comes in every year for a 10 day visit. Used to stay at our home, every year, but now we have no room so he stays with Bryan's brother Robert.
They are watching footballl... I'm here on the computer. I'm getting ready to go to bed... needing to rest after today.
Tomorrow, I'll be getting time and a half in pay for working. It was supposed to be my day off. I'll be loving next weeks paycheck.
I'm thinking Christmas!
I have a laundry list of other things about the computer that I want him to look at. Little things like... getting rid of some programs that I cannot seem to delete from my computer. Or addressing the fact that the Apple Ipod I have won't allow me to create a backup CD for music purchased over the internet. There's more but I won't bore you.
I had to work today. I thought, until this morning, that they were going to cancel me. Turns out that we had a busier day than most weekdays. It was crazy busy and I got stuck there for 12 hours.
Came home to my parents here, helping Bryan, and dinner on the table. This is why I love family.
Paige is 'this close' to sitting up on her own. She is just beautiful, very pretty, big eyes that track you across the room. She also has mastered the walker and now actually chases us across the rooms in it.
Wade got put to bed early tonite and with much drama. He bit the baby on her finger... hard!!! It left little teeth marks on her pinkie. I was sitting right next to them and he was kissing her. Next thing I know, she is crying and I can't figure out why.
Then Wade announces that he bit her. He was almost proud! Well, he got a pop on the mouth and placed immediately to bed. ( it was already 8pm, not like he wasn't needing to go) but he didn't know what time it was. He was crying; Paige was crying.
It was rather loud.
As I sit here, Bryan is watching TV with his cousin, Michael, who is visiting from Virginia. He comes in every year for a 10 day visit. Used to stay at our home, every year, but now we have no room so he stays with Bryan's brother Robert.
They are watching footballl... I'm here on the computer. I'm getting ready to go to bed... needing to rest after today.
Tomorrow, I'll be getting time and a half in pay for working. It was supposed to be my day off. I'll be loving next weeks paycheck.
I'm thinking Christmas!
Friday, November 7, 2008
I'm afraid I'll never figure out this thing with my camera and my inability to not understand why I can't pull photos out of it.
This is the problem with computers, they are wonderful when they work, but when something goes wrong... watch out. Either you just give up, get a new one or pay someone a whole lot of $$ to figure it out for you.
I'm glad this week is over. It was very busy. Started the soccer season - which only Meredith is playing, but the coordination of dinner preps, cleaning and laundry is just one more added stress to the mix.
Olivia, who HATED playing soccer last year, is now wishing she was on a team. She doesn't like to be left out... too bad. I refuse to spend $110 for her to play a game she hates.
Tomorrow is our first practice that I'll have to take all four children because Bryan has football during the day. It ought to be interesting.
Our neighbor, who has a child same age as Meredith, used to help out with carpooling the kids to soccer. But her child will beat the age limit by one day, so he got bumped up to the 7 years old teams... Meredith is on the 6 year old team.
So, what about this new President? I'm just glad that it is over... Obama didn't get my vote, but I don't think that John McCain deserved to win... so I'm glad that Obama won.
Why didn't John McCain deserve to win? Well, he had many opportunities to act like a pit bull and just take Obama down. There is enough questionable stuff out there (about Obama) that McCain could have used against him.... called him out on lots of issues, but he didn't.
Which tells us two things... either all the speculation surrounding Obama and his relationships with bad people were just trumped up rumors OR McCain just didn't have the balls to call out Obama on his past.
Either way, Obama comes out smelling like a rose. McCain blew the election.
However, we'll just refer to him as the Irish one - O'bama.
(just a joke)
This is the problem with computers, they are wonderful when they work, but when something goes wrong... watch out. Either you just give up, get a new one or pay someone a whole lot of $$ to figure it out for you.
I'm glad this week is over. It was very busy. Started the soccer season - which only Meredith is playing, but the coordination of dinner preps, cleaning and laundry is just one more added stress to the mix.
Olivia, who HATED playing soccer last year, is now wishing she was on a team. She doesn't like to be left out... too bad. I refuse to spend $110 for her to play a game she hates.
Tomorrow is our first practice that I'll have to take all four children because Bryan has football during the day. It ought to be interesting.
Our neighbor, who has a child same age as Meredith, used to help out with carpooling the kids to soccer. But her child will beat the age limit by one day, so he got bumped up to the 7 years old teams... Meredith is on the 6 year old team.
So, what about this new President? I'm just glad that it is over... Obama didn't get my vote, but I don't think that John McCain deserved to win... so I'm glad that Obama won.
Why didn't John McCain deserve to win? Well, he had many opportunities to act like a pit bull and just take Obama down. There is enough questionable stuff out there (about Obama) that McCain could have used against him.... called him out on lots of issues, but he didn't.
Which tells us two things... either all the speculation surrounding Obama and his relationships with bad people were just trumped up rumors OR McCain just didn't have the balls to call out Obama on his past.
Either way, Obama comes out smelling like a rose. McCain blew the election.
However, we'll just refer to him as the Irish one - O'bama.
(just a joke)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween week.
Just time for a quick note...
Halloween is tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some photos into this computer but I'll tell you now what the kids will be.
Olivia - Indian squaw
Meredith - Spanish dancer
Wade - firefighter
Paige - pumpkin
I have a Buzz Lightyear costume for Wade to wear, but he has never seen the movie and doesn't know the character. I bought the fireman outfit just as a back up but he loved it and it is what he'll be.
Buzz Lightyear = $30
fireman = $7
Go figure, right?
Bryan has a football game, so he'll be gone and won't be able to trick or treat with us. I'll be walking around with my neighbor, Javier, whose wife is out of town.
He is my second husband.
Other than that, I've been sick this whole week - too tired to write out anything.
Started my Christmas shopping... if it is on sale - I'm picking it up. Stashing items is easy... if the kids find something I just tell them that it is for EBAY and to leave it alone.
They listen, but can't believe that I'd have the EXACT gift they asked for and I'm selling it on ebay.
After Thanksgiving, we'll be taking out Freddy, our ELF ON A SHELF. Freddy is a small elf doll that comes with a book/story about how he watches over our home and goes, each night, to the north pole to tell Santa about the children and how they behave.
Every morning the kids wake up and search for Freddy, because he is never in the same spot that he was yesterday.
Children cannot touch him, he'll lose his magical powers.
Warning the children that Freddy is watching is a wonderful tool to get them to listen well during the holiday season.
Can't wait for Freddy.
Halloween is tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some photos into this computer but I'll tell you now what the kids will be.
Olivia - Indian squaw
Meredith - Spanish dancer
Wade - firefighter
Paige - pumpkin
I have a Buzz Lightyear costume for Wade to wear, but he has never seen the movie and doesn't know the character. I bought the fireman outfit just as a back up but he loved it and it is what he'll be.
Buzz Lightyear = $30
fireman = $7
Go figure, right?
Bryan has a football game, so he'll be gone and won't be able to trick or treat with us. I'll be walking around with my neighbor, Javier, whose wife is out of town.
He is my second husband.
Other than that, I've been sick this whole week - too tired to write out anything.
Started my Christmas shopping... if it is on sale - I'm picking it up. Stashing items is easy... if the kids find something I just tell them that it is for EBAY and to leave it alone.
They listen, but can't believe that I'd have the EXACT gift they asked for and I'm selling it on ebay.
After Thanksgiving, we'll be taking out Freddy, our ELF ON A SHELF. Freddy is a small elf doll that comes with a book/story about how he watches over our home and goes, each night, to the north pole to tell Santa about the children and how they behave.
Every morning the kids wake up and search for Freddy, because he is never in the same spot that he was yesterday.
Children cannot touch him, he'll lose his magical powers.
Warning the children that Freddy is watching is a wonderful tool to get them to listen well during the holiday season.
Can't wait for Freddy.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The only two times Wade will tell me NO!!
When I say to him...
#1 - 'open the drain'
#2 - 'quit playing with your pee-pee'
Enough said.
#1 - 'open the drain'
#2 - 'quit playing with your pee-pee'
Enough said.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
This week has been crazy busy but I'll do my best to fill you in...
Paige has a black eye. She was sitting in Wade's little chair - the Thomas the Train foam chair (sound familiar Auntie Linda?) and was watching TV with all of the kids. She fits nicely in it and Meredith was sitting next to her. I asked Meredith to move in front of her, in case she fell forward, and Meredith instead left her to go get a blanket.
Of course, I was on the computer - heard a thud, thought 'what was that?' and turned to see Paige on the floor behind me... with Meredith standing in front of her holding a blanket.
After much screaming and crying... all is better, but Paige has a bruise just under her right eye.
I'd show you a photo but I can't get photos out of my camera.
Bryan is in Orlando this today - football. I hate this part of the season. He's never here and when he is... I'm angry at him for the times he was gone. It is a bitter cycle.
I'm working lots and unfortunately I agreed to work this Tuesday, which is normally my day off. So my week, including this weekend, is booked now until a week from this Tuesday.
I do have off, from the hospital, on Halloween but both of the kids' schools are having parties and Bryan is attending the preschool and I am attending the elementary school's Halloween parade.
Then it is back to the grind of weekend stuff.
I must be PMSing, because everything is just bothering me.
My parents are out of town and have been gone for two weeks. They left my dad's car here for us to use, which we have been enjoying. They are coming home today.
This week, I arranged for a car wash company to come over and wash his car - in and out - so it wouldn't look like we abused it the way we did.
An hour ago, they called (after not showing up for 2 hours) and had a story about the truck breaking down and could they come out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UH NO!!!! My parents are in flight!!!! So, as I'm unloading $240 in groceries, me and the kids go outside to clean Grandpa's car.
Wade is tracking more dirt onto the floor mats than was there in the first place. Meredith is climbing on the car to wash the windshields. Can I tell you that she left dirty feet prints on the hood? And Olivia is inside, refusing to come out, because the other two are doing the jobs she wanted to do.
Looming clouds overhead stopped me from washing the thing... thank God too, because it did just start to rain as we came inside.
At least the footprints will wash away and the inside is semi clean.
See the fun that Bryan misses?
Paige has a black eye. She was sitting in Wade's little chair - the Thomas the Train foam chair (sound familiar Auntie Linda?) and was watching TV with all of the kids. She fits nicely in it and Meredith was sitting next to her. I asked Meredith to move in front of her, in case she fell forward, and Meredith instead left her to go get a blanket.
Of course, I was on the computer - heard a thud, thought 'what was that?' and turned to see Paige on the floor behind me... with Meredith standing in front of her holding a blanket.
After much screaming and crying... all is better, but Paige has a bruise just under her right eye.
I'd show you a photo but I can't get photos out of my camera.
Bryan is in Orlando this today - football. I hate this part of the season. He's never here and when he is... I'm angry at him for the times he was gone. It is a bitter cycle.
I'm working lots and unfortunately I agreed to work this Tuesday, which is normally my day off. So my week, including this weekend, is booked now until a week from this Tuesday.
I do have off, from the hospital, on Halloween but both of the kids' schools are having parties and Bryan is attending the preschool and I am attending the elementary school's Halloween parade.
Then it is back to the grind of weekend stuff.
I must be PMSing, because everything is just bothering me.
My parents are out of town and have been gone for two weeks. They left my dad's car here for us to use, which we have been enjoying. They are coming home today.
This week, I arranged for a car wash company to come over and wash his car - in and out - so it wouldn't look like we abused it the way we did.
An hour ago, they called (after not showing up for 2 hours) and had a story about the truck breaking down and could they come out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UH NO!!!! My parents are in flight!!!! So, as I'm unloading $240 in groceries, me and the kids go outside to clean Grandpa's car.
Wade is tracking more dirt onto the floor mats than was there in the first place. Meredith is climbing on the car to wash the windshields. Can I tell you that she left dirty feet prints on the hood? And Olivia is inside, refusing to come out, because the other two are doing the jobs she wanted to do.
Looming clouds overhead stopped me from washing the thing... thank God too, because it did just start to rain as we came inside.
At least the footprints will wash away and the inside is semi clean.
See the fun that Bryan misses?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Weekends are so short.
I've come to the conclusion that my children are not capable of getting along... at all... without the need for parental intervention.
Today was a constant battle. I have BORED children who just didn't want to do anything at all. And as a result, were loud and getting into trouble... which meant that I had a headache for most of the day.
After dinner, Bryan and I were cleaning up the kitchen, when this incredible screaming from the girl's bedroom. We have grown used to occaisional screaming, especially today, but this scream was different - and it was Wade.
Bryan made it to the room first only to find that Olivia and our neighbor, Jessica, were trying on their Halloween costumes, using the full length mirror perched in the middle of the room.
Wade had his fingers pinched in the swinging part of the mirror. He was screaming the most painful cry and was being ignored.
It all happened in a matter of seconds, but within 1 minute, we had managed to have all 5 children crying. Here's the reasons they were all crying.
Olivia - because she was being punished. Stay in your room, no tv, into your PJs and read.
Jessica - because she was yelled at (for ignoring Wade's screaming) and sent home.
Meredith - who was not in the room, but now Jessica was gone.
Wade - for the injury.
Paige - too much noise, I guess.
It was not pretty... and now no one is happy.
But I'll stand my ground.
Today was a constant battle. I have BORED children who just didn't want to do anything at all. And as a result, were loud and getting into trouble... which meant that I had a headache for most of the day.
After dinner, Bryan and I were cleaning up the kitchen, when this incredible screaming from the girl's bedroom. We have grown used to occaisional screaming, especially today, but this scream was different - and it was Wade.
Bryan made it to the room first only to find that Olivia and our neighbor, Jessica, were trying on their Halloween costumes, using the full length mirror perched in the middle of the room.
Wade had his fingers pinched in the swinging part of the mirror. He was screaming the most painful cry and was being ignored.
It all happened in a matter of seconds, but within 1 minute, we had managed to have all 5 children crying. Here's the reasons they were all crying.
Olivia - because she was being punished. Stay in your room, no tv, into your PJs and read.
Jessica - because she was yelled at (for ignoring Wade's screaming) and sent home.
Meredith - who was not in the room, but now Jessica was gone.
Wade - for the injury.
Paige - too much noise, I guess.
It was not pretty... and now no one is happy.
But I'll stand my ground.
Friday, October 17, 2008
My high school reunion...
Well, as I write this I am missing my 20th year high school reunion. The first half was tonight and the second party is tomorrow - at the Pier 66 hotel.
Tonight's gathering place is at the Howl at the Moon bar - a piano, sing along bar over in Ft. Lauderdale at Beachplace. It is free to attend, but I don't like the bar itself, the few times I've been there, and just didn't want to go. Besides I couldn't remember most of the people who were emailing me to check if I was attending. It is bad enough when you don't remember them alone in your home, but to not remember them at a bar setting, would be too much for me to handle.
Tomorrow's function is at Pier 66 and will be more formal. Even though Bryan has the evening off from football, I didn't sign us up to attend. It costs $125/per person and I just don't want to spend the $$$.
Not too mention the addition of paying for a babysitter. It would cost us over $300 to go... at that rate, I'd almost rather regret not going, then regret going.
If that makes any sense.
I suppose I could change my mind - we could always pay at the door - but I don't know.
When I was first dating Bryan, it was 10 years ago and it was time for the 10 years reunion. At the time, I was joking that I had 6 weeks to get married, have a baby and lose 20 lbs. I didn't want to show up at the reunion and have not reached any milestones as an adult. I wanted to wow people with seeing how much I've grown and by not being married, with kids and, somehow skinny, I didn't think I'd accomplished that.
Now, I'm at my 20 year time and I have the hubby, the kids and I'm still fighting those same 20 pounds... but this time I don't care who knows about it.
Stepping into our life is like stepping into a tornado. I don't feel the need to leave the tornado.
Not even for a night.
Maybe I'll change my mind - by tomorrow.
Bryan is off - I could still go, but I don't expect that I will.
Tonight's gathering place is at the Howl at the Moon bar - a piano, sing along bar over in Ft. Lauderdale at Beachplace. It is free to attend, but I don't like the bar itself, the few times I've been there, and just didn't want to go. Besides I couldn't remember most of the people who were emailing me to check if I was attending. It is bad enough when you don't remember them alone in your home, but to not remember them at a bar setting, would be too much for me to handle.
Tomorrow's function is at Pier 66 and will be more formal. Even though Bryan has the evening off from football, I didn't sign us up to attend. It costs $125/per person and I just don't want to spend the $$$.
Not too mention the addition of paying for a babysitter. It would cost us over $300 to go... at that rate, I'd almost rather regret not going, then regret going.
If that makes any sense.
I suppose I could change my mind - we could always pay at the door - but I don't know.
When I was first dating Bryan, it was 10 years ago and it was time for the 10 years reunion. At the time, I was joking that I had 6 weeks to get married, have a baby and lose 20 lbs. I didn't want to show up at the reunion and have not reached any milestones as an adult. I wanted to wow people with seeing how much I've grown and by not being married, with kids and, somehow skinny, I didn't think I'd accomplished that.
Now, I'm at my 20 year time and I have the hubby, the kids and I'm still fighting those same 20 pounds... but this time I don't care who knows about it.
Stepping into our life is like stepping into a tornado. I don't feel the need to leave the tornado.
Not even for a night.
Maybe I'll change my mind - by tomorrow.
Bryan is off - I could still go, but I don't expect that I will.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Crazy days
Nothing new to talk about this week.
Yesterday, Sunday, I had a free day, which I never get, and was planning out my day, when I asked the girls to bring me their backpacks.
I've had them forget weekend homework, until Monday morning, and then there is a scramble to get it done. So, I try to combat that by looking at the backpacks early.
So, sure enough, Olivia has two reports due by Oct. 31. We decided to tackle one of them, but it was a book report and it involves a project creation. We had to make a Michael's trip and that was pretty much the rest of the day.''
Of course, I had to read the book - Olivia was struggling with telling me the answers to some questions. How can I guide her for a book report if I don't know the answers to the questions myself.
So, I ended up spending an hour reading her book - which was pretty funny, because she was AMAZED that it only took me an hour to read the same book that took her two days to finish.
This'll be an ongoing thing for a few weeks.
Yesterday, Sunday, I had a free day, which I never get, and was planning out my day, when I asked the girls to bring me their backpacks.
I've had them forget weekend homework, until Monday morning, and then there is a scramble to get it done. So, I try to combat that by looking at the backpacks early.
So, sure enough, Olivia has two reports due by Oct. 31. We decided to tackle one of them, but it was a book report and it involves a project creation. We had to make a Michael's trip and that was pretty much the rest of the day.''
Of course, I had to read the book - Olivia was struggling with telling me the answers to some questions. How can I guide her for a book report if I don't know the answers to the questions myself.
So, I ended up spending an hour reading her book - which was pretty funny, because she was AMAZED that it only took me an hour to read the same book that took her two days to finish.
This'll be an ongoing thing for a few weeks.
Friday, October 10, 2008
What this is all REALLY about...
Every weekday, by the time I get to the elementary school to pick up the girls, I'm usually in a bad mood. Not a bad mood where I'm cranky outwardly, but mentally I'm fighting a battle not to be overwhelmed with the load I've got ahead of me for that evening.
By the time I pick up the girls, I've either worked all day and I'm tired - or - I've spent the day running errands, doing laundry, or cleaning the house. Either way, by 5pm, I'm toast and NOT looking forward to dinner, homework, soccer, bathing and bedtime - what I call 'round 2' of everyday.
Sometimes, when I go to pick up the girls, I am in the parking lot at the same time as another mother taking her child home from the school. I notice them often and usually stay in my car long enough to watch them, without them knowing, as they go out to their car.
Why do I watch them?
Well, the child is in a wheelchair. One of chairs that reclines and has a headrest for her, which tells you she is seriously in need of much care.
I notice that her mother parks in the same place, every day - on the far side of the parking lot, not near any traffic and on an end space. She parks there because it takes them longer to get into the car than most of us, who are just trying to run out of the school. She parks there to be able to take her time getting the child out of the chair, safely in the seat and then, slowly, unload the wheelchair and equipment to the back of the truck.
What make me cry, when I watch this, is not just the obvious sympathy I have for this family... it is the fact that , as she is walking from the building to the lot, the mother is bent over the chair kissing and speaking softly or singing to her daughter.
Sometimes, I've been close enough to hear what she is saying... "How much do I love my baby?" or singing 'You are my sunshine' quietly in the ear of the child, who (by the way) is all smiles. This mother's love is obvious and endearing. She is a true inspiration.
The vision is enough to make even the hardest day melt away.
I mean, how can I be so overwhelmed with my day? At the end of each day, I have 4 healthy, beautiful, robust children... compared to HER day, could anything I have on my plate be bad?
No... I think not.
Believe it or not, I am grateful for the days when I watch the interaction between this loving mother and her handicapped daughter. I'm reminded that I may have a loud, noisy household, but how much do you think SHE would give to hear her child's voice one time?
So, I'll try to remember, today, that it is 9pm and the dinner dishes are sitting in the sink, the coffee is not made, there is a load of laundry waiting to go in the dryer, Wade is still up (after having drawn on Meredith's bed with a permanent marker), our neighbor's daughter is here for a sleepover and the three girls are teaching each other a hip hop dance and, not one, but TWO TV's are on with Hannah Montana.
Hopefully the baby, who's first tooth is sprouting will sleep all night.
But it's all good.... I know.
By the time I pick up the girls, I've either worked all day and I'm tired - or - I've spent the day running errands, doing laundry, or cleaning the house. Either way, by 5pm, I'm toast and NOT looking forward to dinner, homework, soccer, bathing and bedtime - what I call 'round 2' of everyday.
Sometimes, when I go to pick up the girls, I am in the parking lot at the same time as another mother taking her child home from the school. I notice them often and usually stay in my car long enough to watch them, without them knowing, as they go out to their car.
Why do I watch them?
Well, the child is in a wheelchair. One of chairs that reclines and has a headrest for her, which tells you she is seriously in need of much care.
I notice that her mother parks in the same place, every day - on the far side of the parking lot, not near any traffic and on an end space. She parks there because it takes them longer to get into the car than most of us, who are just trying to run out of the school. She parks there to be able to take her time getting the child out of the chair, safely in the seat and then, slowly, unload the wheelchair and equipment to the back of the truck.
What make me cry, when I watch this, is not just the obvious sympathy I have for this family... it is the fact that , as she is walking from the building to the lot, the mother is bent over the chair kissing and speaking softly or singing to her daughter.
Sometimes, I've been close enough to hear what she is saying... "How much do I love my baby?" or singing 'You are my sunshine' quietly in the ear of the child, who (by the way) is all smiles. This mother's love is obvious and endearing. She is a true inspiration.
The vision is enough to make even the hardest day melt away.
I mean, how can I be so overwhelmed with my day? At the end of each day, I have 4 healthy, beautiful, robust children... compared to HER day, could anything I have on my plate be bad?
No... I think not.
Believe it or not, I am grateful for the days when I watch the interaction between this loving mother and her handicapped daughter. I'm reminded that I may have a loud, noisy household, but how much do you think SHE would give to hear her child's voice one time?
So, I'll try to remember, today, that it is 9pm and the dinner dishes are sitting in the sink, the coffee is not made, there is a load of laundry waiting to go in the dryer, Wade is still up (after having drawn on Meredith's bed with a permanent marker), our neighbor's daughter is here for a sleepover and the three girls are teaching each other a hip hop dance and, not one, but TWO TV's are on with Hannah Montana.
Hopefully the baby, who's first tooth is sprouting will sleep all night.
But it's all good.... I know.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Busy, as usual.
Still can't get any photos out of my camera, but this is one of the few goals I have over this weekend. So, sorry, but no new pics.
Paige has a cold. Nothing much, just a little runny nose, and I think it may be because she is cutting her first tooth. Not that the reason matters - she just doesn't feel well is the bottom line. Hopefully, she'll sleep well tonight - she is still in our room and her not sleeping means that Mommy is awake.
I'm just grateful I don't have to work for a few days.
Busy here, as usual. Seems homework is a top priority and with both Meredith and Olivia doing lots of it, it just seems like we are doing homework from 5pm until 8pm. Some nights go quicker than others, but most are like this.
I'm getting better organized with their homework, too. I keep a folder, for each child, in the kitchen. I put their weekly homework assignments, reading logs, upcoming field trip forms and spelling words in the folders. Now, at least, we don't spend too long searching for the homework that needs to be done... we have it right next to us.
Paige has a cold. Nothing much, just a little runny nose, and I think it may be because she is cutting her first tooth. Not that the reason matters - she just doesn't feel well is the bottom line. Hopefully, she'll sleep well tonight - she is still in our room and her not sleeping means that Mommy is awake.
I'm just grateful I don't have to work for a few days.
Busy here, as usual. Seems homework is a top priority and with both Meredith and Olivia doing lots of it, it just seems like we are doing homework from 5pm until 8pm. Some nights go quicker than others, but most are like this.
I'm getting better organized with their homework, too. I keep a folder, for each child, in the kitchen. I put their weekly homework assignments, reading logs, upcoming field trip forms and spelling words in the folders. Now, at least, we don't spend too long searching for the homework that needs to be done... we have it right next to us.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I don't even know where to begin... but I'll start with saying that something is wrong with my camera system. There is a glitch that won't allow me to download any photos into the computer, so , for now, there won't be any photos. I'll be trying to add some later.
We survived our trip!! The Nickelodeon hotel is really a Holiday Inn with a coat of orange paint. I'll have to admit that the children had fun, which is all that matters, but I was completely OVER the hotel within the first few hours there.
The pool area has fun water slides and a huge pool, with life-guards, a couple of hot tubs and a nice basketball court. They also have a workshop area that they have activities for the kids to do, but they don't say how much each activity is until you show up. Only one was free, most were about $10/kid. Which is something I wasn't willing to spend.
Honestly, when it came to the swimming pool, I didn't know which was worse - being surrounded by the other parents who were mostly overweight, flabby, and pale white OR the fact that me and Bryan fit in!!!
I'd be thinking, to myself, that I can't believe that these people were willing to get into a bathing suit and then I'd catch a view of myself , in a window reflection, and think, 'OH MY GOD, I look like them!'.
It was kind of a mood killer.
We survived going to Disney's magic kingdom, for the nighttime party, and Green Meadows petting farm. Both were tiring, but fun.
It was a short trip but quite a whirlwind.
Not to mention that Paige missed us all and we missed her, terribly. She was alone, at Grandma's, with no children fighting over her. I did give my mother a sheet and a few blankets for her to use there, so she smelled home each night - but it was nice to get home to her.
Tomorrow starts work, homework and, this week, CCD for the girls.
Back to the fire...
We survived our trip!! The Nickelodeon hotel is really a Holiday Inn with a coat of orange paint. I'll have to admit that the children had fun, which is all that matters, but I was completely OVER the hotel within the first few hours there.
The pool area has fun water slides and a huge pool, with life-guards, a couple of hot tubs and a nice basketball court. They also have a workshop area that they have activities for the kids to do, but they don't say how much each activity is until you show up. Only one was free, most were about $10/kid. Which is something I wasn't willing to spend.
Honestly, when it came to the swimming pool, I didn't know which was worse - being surrounded by the other parents who were mostly overweight, flabby, and pale white OR the fact that me and Bryan fit in!!!
I'd be thinking, to myself, that I can't believe that these people were willing to get into a bathing suit and then I'd catch a view of myself , in a window reflection, and think, 'OH MY GOD, I look like them!'.
It was kind of a mood killer.
We survived going to Disney's magic kingdom, for the nighttime party, and Green Meadows petting farm. Both were tiring, but fun.
It was a short trip but quite a whirlwind.
Not to mention that Paige missed us all and we missed her, terribly. She was alone, at Grandma's, with no children fighting over her. I did give my mother a sheet and a few blankets for her to use there, so she smelled home each night - but it was nice to get home to her.
Tomorrow starts work, homework and, this week, CCD for the girls.
Back to the fire...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Taking the kiddies to Orlando!
This is my only update, for this week, as we are leaving for Orlando today, after work/school.
The public schools are closed tomorrow, for a Jewish holiday, and we are keeping them out on Wed and Thurs. (coming home Thursday night)
Planning on staying at the Nickelodeon Family suites hotel (otherwise known as the Spongbob hotel) where all the rooms are suites and decorated with Nickelodeon characters. It has a water park and lots of kid activities scheduled every day. We won't be leaving the hotel during the daytime.
Tuesday night, we bought tickets to attend the NOT SO SCARY HALLOWEEN PARTY at Magic Kingdom. We get to arrive at the park at 4pm and stay until midnight. We won't stay that late, but who knows. Last year, at the Christmas one, the first time we looked at our watches it was 11pm.
The kids are dressing up for the Disney thing - Olivia is an Indian Squaw, Meredith is a spanish dancer, and Wade is Buzz Lightyear.
Bryan and I are wearing those T-shirts that say "This IS my costume".
Supposed to rain some in Orlando this week, hopefully not too much.
Wish us luck and I'll be back on Friday.
The public schools are closed tomorrow, for a Jewish holiday, and we are keeping them out on Wed and Thurs. (coming home Thursday night)
Planning on staying at the Nickelodeon Family suites hotel (otherwise known as the Spongbob hotel) where all the rooms are suites and decorated with Nickelodeon characters. It has a water park and lots of kid activities scheduled every day. We won't be leaving the hotel during the daytime.
Tuesday night, we bought tickets to attend the NOT SO SCARY HALLOWEEN PARTY at Magic Kingdom. We get to arrive at the park at 4pm and stay until midnight. We won't stay that late, but who knows. Last year, at the Christmas one, the first time we looked at our watches it was 11pm.
The kids are dressing up for the Disney thing - Olivia is an Indian Squaw, Meredith is a spanish dancer, and Wade is Buzz Lightyear.
Bryan and I are wearing those T-shirts that say "This IS my costume".
Supposed to rain some in Orlando this week, hopefully not too much.
Wish us luck and I'll be back on Friday.
Friday, September 26, 2008
What am I talking about?
Well, I guess I was still recovering, from a really bad day, when I wrote the latest entry.
I can't believe I actually mentioned my own smelly underwear! Shows how tired I was.
I was just desperate to be clean. A shower does make all my boo-boos get better.
It's been a long week.
The best part about today was that my hubby, helping with laundry, left folded laundry on our coffee table. On top of one pile was everyone's underwear - not folded, just piled on top.
Then my inlaws came over - no one said anything, I mean, they were clean, but I'm sure they didn't want to eat lunch staring at Olivia's underwear.
However, once again, it didn't bother me enough to actually put any of it away - yet.
We inherited a new freezer... really nice and big. We put it in our garage, which meant that we had to clean out the garage (again). That is what we did today. Fun, right?
But it had to get done.
I can't believe I actually mentioned my own smelly underwear! Shows how tired I was.
I was just desperate to be clean. A shower does make all my boo-boos get better.
It's been a long week.
The best part about today was that my hubby, helping with laundry, left folded laundry on our coffee table. On top of one pile was everyone's underwear - not folded, just piled on top.
Then my inlaws came over - no one said anything, I mean, they were clean, but I'm sure they didn't want to eat lunch staring at Olivia's underwear.
However, once again, it didn't bother me enough to actually put any of it away - yet.
We inherited a new freezer... really nice and big. We put it in our garage, which meant that we had to clean out the garage (again). That is what we did today. Fun, right?
But it had to get done.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yesterday was such a bad day, I couldn't even get myself to the computer to check an email, much less write on this blog.
Really busy day at work - I think that was the problem. When work, for me, is busy, it equals NO down time for my brain.
So the usual morning chaos, was followed by a day full of more chaos and me getting out of work later than normal. Luckily, Bryan was able to pick up everyone, but he needed to leave for a football game at 6pm.
He was gone from 6 to 9pm.
Those hours are crucial!! I had to serve and clean dinner, get the older two's homework done, supervise bathing and pjs, read books with the older two, tutor Meredith with math and...
somehow manage to shower myself - which was very important because many parts of my body just stunk. I didn't know which was worse - my underwear, my armpits, or my feet (from those clogs I wear at work).
After a shower, I felt much, much better.
Maybe that's why they have those Calgon comercials - I finally really understand.
Really busy day at work - I think that was the problem. When work, for me, is busy, it equals NO down time for my brain.
So the usual morning chaos, was followed by a day full of more chaos and me getting out of work later than normal. Luckily, Bryan was able to pick up everyone, but he needed to leave for a football game at 6pm.
He was gone from 6 to 9pm.
Those hours are crucial!! I had to serve and clean dinner, get the older two's homework done, supervise bathing and pjs, read books with the older two, tutor Meredith with math and...
somehow manage to shower myself - which was very important because many parts of my body just stunk. I didn't know which was worse - my underwear, my armpits, or my feet (from those clogs I wear at work).
After a shower, I felt much, much better.
Maybe that's why they have those Calgon comercials - I finally really understand.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Latest photos of Paige... 5 months
Wade's birthday!!!
I completely forgot to mention that Wade's birthday was last week.
Lots of celebration, too, as we had a small party for him at our house on Sunday.
Then (on Monday) which was his actual birthday - we sang "happy birthday' again with the left over cake. (that is the photo of all four kids above)
And then, (on Tuesday) I went to his preschool and brought cookies for the kids to sing to him.
So much has happened in the three years that he's been around, it is hard to believe that his is only three.
He is my breath (and he's cute too - don't you think?)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Took the kids to see Disney on Ice
Not too much to tell about this experience, except that I took the older three, by myself.
Dropped off Paige at Veronica's house, she owed me and we went to a 3pm show.
Didn't get out until 6pm, with traffic, and we still had to do dinner.
So I, by myself, took all my kids out to Longhorn Steakhouse.
And we all survived... better than expected.
It helped that the kids were starving, but I was happy.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
An answered prayer
I've spent some time this week doing some talking to God.
This is the last week to register our children for CCD and, since it is expensive and time consuming, I was thinking about not putting them in for this year.
I spoke with a lady from the church who solved the money factor, by allowing us to pay a reduced price and I needed to pay by Friday.
I STILL wasn't convinced that I should put them in and my only prayer was asking God to give me a sign that I should drive to the church, tomorrow, and register them.
Well, of all nights, Bryan and I watched - The Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson.
Very powerful... not just because of the story it tells of Jesus, but because I don't fail the recognize the fact that this movie has been out for how many years? and I have always refused to watch it.
So, now, on the eve of debating to myself it it is worth it to commit my family to Tuesday afternoon Sunday school and that THIS movie (of ALL movies ever made) is the one that we choose to watch tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry, God, I may not be the best Catholic, but I KNOW an answered prayer when I see it.
I'll be registering them tomorrow.
This is the last week to register our children for CCD and, since it is expensive and time consuming, I was thinking about not putting them in for this year.
I spoke with a lady from the church who solved the money factor, by allowing us to pay a reduced price and I needed to pay by Friday.
I STILL wasn't convinced that I should put them in and my only prayer was asking God to give me a sign that I should drive to the church, tomorrow, and register them.
Well, of all nights, Bryan and I watched - The Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson.
Very powerful... not just because of the story it tells of Jesus, but because I don't fail the recognize the fact that this movie has been out for how many years? and I have always refused to watch it.
So, now, on the eve of debating to myself it it is worth it to commit my family to Tuesday afternoon Sunday school and that THIS movie (of ALL movies ever made) is the one that we choose to watch tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry, God, I may not be the best Catholic, but I KNOW an answered prayer when I see it.
I'll be registering them tomorrow.
My Aunt Debby died this weekend.
My Aunt Debby, the wife of my Dad's brother Peter, died this past weekend. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer over 3 years ago.
My parents and my Dad's two brothers are estranged. Bad blood... don't think anyone will call a truce in the next twenty years.
I personally haven't spoken or seen anyone from their family since their daughter, Jessica, my cousin had her own child die. He had been born sick and lived to be 18 months old.
That baby's funeral was the saddest thing I'd ever seen. It was even more difficult because I was 7 months pregnant with Wade and I knew that seeing me pregnant wasn't going to be easy for Jessica.
I was a wreck... she completely shunned me and wouldn't even hug me.
It was the last time I've seen any of them.
It is sad that during her lifetime, she (and my Uncle and cousins) never, not even once, made my family feel welcome. It was always a troubling relationship... but, I'm afraid, it is never to get any better.
My parents won't attend her funeral and I'm sure that my uncle will never forgive my Dad for not showing up.
I would bet any money that if my Dad DID show up, he'd be asked to leave.
He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
May she rest in peace.
My parents and my Dad's two brothers are estranged. Bad blood... don't think anyone will call a truce in the next twenty years.
I personally haven't spoken or seen anyone from their family since their daughter, Jessica, my cousin had her own child die. He had been born sick and lived to be 18 months old.
That baby's funeral was the saddest thing I'd ever seen. It was even more difficult because I was 7 months pregnant with Wade and I knew that seeing me pregnant wasn't going to be easy for Jessica.
I was a wreck... she completely shunned me and wouldn't even hug me.
It was the last time I've seen any of them.
It is sad that during her lifetime, she (and my Uncle and cousins) never, not even once, made my family feel welcome. It was always a troubling relationship... but, I'm afraid, it is never to get any better.
My parents won't attend her funeral and I'm sure that my uncle will never forgive my Dad for not showing up.
I would bet any money that if my Dad DID show up, he'd be asked to leave.
He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
May she rest in peace.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Meredith's spelling
We are just starting to get into the groove with homework and it is a little more challenging for both Olivia and Meredith.
Neither girl takes any pride in homework or doing their work correctly. It is satisfactory, to both of them, that they turn in something - whether it is right or not is not a point they care to make.
So, each night, me and Bryan (when he is here) have to sit down and correct their homework and, sometimes over a couple hours, guide them learn from their mistakes.
However, Meredith's spelling this week left me laughing and I couldn't stop giggling - so that night I had to let it go.
But I had to share this...
One of Meredith's spelling words is WAS.
She is supposed to use each of the words in a sentence.
She wrote - "WAST THAT SMELL?"
You may not think it is funny at first but try to pronounce it fast and it does sound like 'WUZ UP?'
I don't know which is worse - the mispelled word or the fact that her brain thought 'what's that smell' was good for a sentence.
I'm still laughing over that one.
Neither girl takes any pride in homework or doing their work correctly. It is satisfactory, to both of them, that they turn in something - whether it is right or not is not a point they care to make.
So, each night, me and Bryan (when he is here) have to sit down and correct their homework and, sometimes over a couple hours, guide them learn from their mistakes.
However, Meredith's spelling this week left me laughing and I couldn't stop giggling - so that night I had to let it go.
But I had to share this...
One of Meredith's spelling words is WAS.
She is supposed to use each of the words in a sentence.
She wrote - "WAST THAT SMELL?"
You may not think it is funny at first but try to pronounce it fast and it does sound like 'WUZ UP?'
I don't know which is worse - the mispelled word or the fact that her brain thought 'what's that smell' was good for a sentence.
I'm still laughing over that one.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bad news, on open house night.
I forgot to mention that my Aunt Linda came over to watch my kids, for the open house.
She, and my parents, found out how challenging it can be to get 4 children, fed, showered, snacked, and ready for bed in a two hour period.
They all looked wiped when I got home.
Anyway, I heard that my Aunt Linda got home that night to hear bad news... that one of her family members had passed away.
I have yet to talk to her, but she called my mom and said that she was driving up to Georgia to be with family.
I just wanted to let her know that she, and her family up in Georgia, are never far from our thoughts.
I'm sorry for your loss.
She, and my parents, found out how challenging it can be to get 4 children, fed, showered, snacked, and ready for bed in a two hour period.
They all looked wiped when I got home.
Anyway, I heard that my Aunt Linda got home that night to hear bad news... that one of her family members had passed away.
I have yet to talk to her, but she called my mom and said that she was driving up to Georgia to be with family.
I just wanted to let her know that she, and her family up in Georgia, are never far from our thoughts.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Open house for the older kids
On two separate nights, over the previous two weeks, the elementary school hosted open house for Olivia and Meredith's grades.
Not too much to say about them, other than I LOVE their teachers!!!
Olivia's teacher, Mrs. Andress, was voted teacher of the year, just last year. She is middle-aged with kids in their twenties. She sent home a letter telling us all about her. She is born and raised in Jamaica, which is interesting since she is white. (I couldn't place the accent,but once I heard where she was from, she sounds Jamaican) She is the first white Jamaican I've ever met.
She is very approachable and caring. When Olivia was going through the whole rash thing, she was in touch with me often. Sometimes calling just to check on her. She even gave me her cell #.
Meredith's teacher is Mrs. West. She is a young Grandma type, which is good since last year she had a 23 year old kindergarten teacher. Mrs. West is comical and witty and, guess what, Meredith LOVES her.
I stayed behind in the open house to tell her that Meredith's little fire was lit, when it comes to school.
It was a nice night.
Not too much to say about them, other than I LOVE their teachers!!!
Olivia's teacher, Mrs. Andress, was voted teacher of the year, just last year. She is middle-aged with kids in their twenties. She sent home a letter telling us all about her. She is born and raised in Jamaica, which is interesting since she is white. (I couldn't place the accent,but once I heard where she was from, she sounds Jamaican) She is the first white Jamaican I've ever met.
She is very approachable and caring. When Olivia was going through the whole rash thing, she was in touch with me often. Sometimes calling just to check on her. She even gave me her cell #.
Meredith's teacher is Mrs. West. She is a young Grandma type, which is good since last year she had a 23 year old kindergarten teacher. Mrs. West is comical and witty and, guess what, Meredith LOVES her.
I stayed behind in the open house to tell her that Meredith's little fire was lit, when it comes to school.
It was a nice night.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Latest photos of Paige... 4 1/2 months
Mid-week blah...
I wish I had something of importance to tell but this week so far has been just plain vanilla.
Yesterday, at work, I had a doctor who was upset with me... that ruined my whole day.
He was upset because my patient (88year old male, with history of cardiac problems, who had just had bladder surgery) was complaining of chest pressure and tingling down his left arm. After placing him on oxygen, I asked the secretary to order an EKG and then I called him.
He was upset because I had ordered the EKG before calling him - stating that had he had the chance to examine the patient, himself, he would have seen that the patient stopped complaining of the pain/pressure when he was moved up in the stretcher. He didn't think this was anything serious, but because I ordered the EKG (under his name) it may have bought him a nights stay in the hospital.
Well, I argued that I had many reasons to order the EKG....
#1 - Any complaints of chest pressure warrant an EKG.
#2 - The guy has history of cardiac problems.
#3 - His family members were at the bedside; one was an EMT watching my reaction very closely.
#4 - This doctor was only covering for the guys main doctor, who I know well, and KNEW that he would have asked for the EKG without question.
#5 - Better to be safe than sorry, right?
Anyway, I could go on, but it was not to be argued.
Lesson learned - I won't be ordering anything, no matter what, for this doctor. He'll get many, many phone calls before I'll 'handle the problem' for him again.
Today, was uneventful. I spent some time at the NO FUSS MEALS place getting a few meals together.
I was the only one in the place - except for a very tattooed guy, a little bit younger than me.
Being alone in the place, we started talking, as we were preparing meals.
Well, Bryan's ears were tweaked as he was listening to the story. He thinks that the guy was just there to pick up girls.
PLEASE!!! I mean, what guy would spend $100 to fix a few meals, on the hopes of a pretty girl doing the same? Why would he pick the 12 noon time frame, not the evening slot?
But, hey, I was someone for him to talk to - maybe next time I'll send Bryan.
Yesterday, at work, I had a doctor who was upset with me... that ruined my whole day.
He was upset because my patient (88year old male, with history of cardiac problems, who had just had bladder surgery) was complaining of chest pressure and tingling down his left arm. After placing him on oxygen, I asked the secretary to order an EKG and then I called him.
He was upset because I had ordered the EKG before calling him - stating that had he had the chance to examine the patient, himself, he would have seen that the patient stopped complaining of the pain/pressure when he was moved up in the stretcher. He didn't think this was anything serious, but because I ordered the EKG (under his name) it may have bought him a nights stay in the hospital.
Well, I argued that I had many reasons to order the EKG....
#1 - Any complaints of chest pressure warrant an EKG.
#2 - The guy has history of cardiac problems.
#3 - His family members were at the bedside; one was an EMT watching my reaction very closely.
#4 - This doctor was only covering for the guys main doctor, who I know well, and KNEW that he would have asked for the EKG without question.
#5 - Better to be safe than sorry, right?
Anyway, I could go on, but it was not to be argued.
Lesson learned - I won't be ordering anything, no matter what, for this doctor. He'll get many, many phone calls before I'll 'handle the problem' for him again.
Today, was uneventful. I spent some time at the NO FUSS MEALS place getting a few meals together.
I was the only one in the place - except for a very tattooed guy, a little bit younger than me.
Being alone in the place, we started talking, as we were preparing meals.
Well, Bryan's ears were tweaked as he was listening to the story. He thinks that the guy was just there to pick up girls.
PLEASE!!! I mean, what guy would spend $100 to fix a few meals, on the hopes of a pretty girl doing the same? Why would he pick the 12 noon time frame, not the evening slot?
But, hey, I was someone for him to talk to - maybe next time I'll send Bryan.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Our (almost) invasion of privacy...
Have any of you ever had your children walk in, or almost catch, you and the hubby in a 'moment of privacy'? (If you get my drift...)
Well, tonight was our night.
Football being back in season is a great time for me to offer my hubby a quick fix... it's called halftime.
When halftime comes to an evening game - it is our time too.
It's a win/win situation... and usually in that brief timeframe when all four children are asleep and I am still awake.
So, during the UF vs UM game, we disappeared for a few moments... didn't bother to turn off any lights or the TV, he'd be back before anyone knew we were gone.
EXCEPT - tonight, Olivia had a red spot, on her neck from a bandaid , that was huring her. She came calling, and ever so quietly, tapping on our bedroom door.
She didn't hear anything, I'm sure, since our volume level has to be quiet anyway with Paige sleeping only feet away.
But, she did wait in the kitchen for us to emerge.
She questioned what we were doing in there... I told her I had to go to the bathroom.
She asked why Daddy had to go in there too... I told her I had run out of toilet paper and he brought it to me.
She bought my story and went to bed - just as I was trying to think of a reason for our door to have been locked.
Thank God I did that or else I'd have been explaining much, much more!
Well, tonight was our night.
Football being back in season is a great time for me to offer my hubby a quick fix... it's called halftime.
When halftime comes to an evening game - it is our time too.
It's a win/win situation... and usually in that brief timeframe when all four children are asleep and I am still awake.
So, during the UF vs UM game, we disappeared for a few moments... didn't bother to turn off any lights or the TV, he'd be back before anyone knew we were gone.
EXCEPT - tonight, Olivia had a red spot, on her neck from a bandaid , that was huring her. She came calling, and ever so quietly, tapping on our bedroom door.
She didn't hear anything, I'm sure, since our volume level has to be quiet anyway with Paige sleeping only feet away.
But, she did wait in the kitchen for us to emerge.
She questioned what we were doing in there... I told her I had to go to the bathroom.
She asked why Daddy had to go in there too... I told her I had run out of toilet paper and he brought it to me.
She bought my story and went to bed - just as I was trying to think of a reason for our door to have been locked.
Thank God I did that or else I'd have been explaining much, much more!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Here comes Hurricane Ike!!!
Spent the day today getting ready for Hurricane Ike. I didn't need to do much - just bought some extra batteries and topped off the cars with gas.
Sounds simple, right? But the following is the reason my hubby and I can't get out of debt....
I did also purchase a new battery lantern and the store had girls' crop pants on sale (so I picked up three for Olivia, who is outgrowing everything she owns and one for Meredith, so she won't feel left out)
Plus, it is Wade's birthday, in two weeks, and I had to pick up a thing or two for him - in case we don't have much power over the next few days, I don't want to be left with nothing to get him.
Also, we have a birthday party to attend, tomorrow, so I had to get something for my friends' kid. Didn't buy anything big for her, just kiddie skates, but they had the same thing in Spongebob (for boys) so I picked up a set for Wade too. Did I mention his birthday is in 10 days?
Can you ever have enough water and batteries? I think not... but my stock was out so I managed to grab a few of those too.
Then, it was off to get gas - which was a 40 minute wait in line, but at least that's done.
I did manage to clean out the garage and bring a lot of stuff to goodwill - great stuff that would have been good on ebay, but I'm tired of looking at it in the garage - so now that is gone, too.
I mean, do I really need three walkers? 6 car seats? This is the stuff I've collected.... terrible.
I even have enough room in the garage to pull my car into it - if I don't bring in the garbage cans and outdoor furniture.
Let's see.... which is more important?
Sounds simple, right? But the following is the reason my hubby and I can't get out of debt....
I did also purchase a new battery lantern and the store had girls' crop pants on sale (so I picked up three for Olivia, who is outgrowing everything she owns and one for Meredith, so she won't feel left out)
Plus, it is Wade's birthday, in two weeks, and I had to pick up a thing or two for him - in case we don't have much power over the next few days, I don't want to be left with nothing to get him.
Also, we have a birthday party to attend, tomorrow, so I had to get something for my friends' kid. Didn't buy anything big for her, just kiddie skates, but they had the same thing in Spongebob (for boys) so I picked up a set for Wade too. Did I mention his birthday is in 10 days?
Can you ever have enough water and batteries? I think not... but my stock was out so I managed to grab a few of those too.
Then, it was off to get gas - which was a 40 minute wait in line, but at least that's done.
I did manage to clean out the garage and bring a lot of stuff to goodwill - great stuff that would have been good on ebay, but I'm tired of looking at it in the garage - so now that is gone, too.
I mean, do I really need three walkers? 6 car seats? This is the stuff I've collected.... terrible.
I even have enough room in the garage to pull my car into it - if I don't bring in the garbage cans and outdoor furniture.
Let's see.... which is more important?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Olivia's rash - latest update.
Well, we've entered a new saga when it comes to Olivia and her skin.
Last week, our doctor, in an attempt to think outside of the box, asked me to start giving Olivia the supplement Lysine twice a day.
Lysine is an ammino acid and should be no different than taking a vitamin, but this is not the case in our family, of course. He recommended it because Lysine has been proven to help people with recurrent herpes outbreaks - and the thought process is that if it helps that virus, maybe it'll have an effect on this virus, Mulluscum.
So, after one dose of that Lysine, she woke up with a terrible rash covering her entire cheeks and forehead. It was hundreds of teeny, tiny blisters. I thought she had sprayed her hair with deodorant thinking it was hairspray, but when it didn't resolve by the end of the day - in fact it was worse - I was concerned.
Last week, Thursday, was spent with me calling the pediatrician and the dermatologist trying to get someone to see her before the holiday weekend.
She saw the pediatrician... who was amazed at her reaction to the Lysine.
Anyway - after a few days, the facial rash is better, her skin still looks like an orange peel, but it is much, much better.
Now the problem is that the rash has spread across her body - it started on her neck and shoulders and has just moved south all day.
I've taken some photos of her shoulders/back so you can see the rash, but the photos don't do this justice - between each tiny red bump is many, many small pinhead sized bumps.
Doctor isn't all that concerned and wants to see her later this week.
She will be attending school tomorrow... I've spoken to her teacher who knows that she may wake up completely covered... we'll see.
Our whole family attended a birthday party...
Which is something we NEVER do as a family... most of the time it is one of us (me) with the older bunch and leaving the baby home. But this time, the party was for a classmate of Meredith and their family lives on a farm! So, my hubby was curious, since I'd been talking about this farm all summer, and wanted to attend.
Meredith's friend is Sarah. She and her family live on a 14 acre stretch of land off of Hiatus Rd and Orange Dr. It is a fully functioning farm and houses many horses - I think they told me that they have the room for 80.
Sarah and Meredith were friends over the summer and Meredith would live there is she could.
Not one inch of this property is ordinary.
First of all, the entire property is outlined by a 3/4 mile racing track for the horse training, with the family's home being a converted barn in the center of the track.
Every where you look, Sarah's dad has a mish-mosh of antique stuff. We were mostly gathered in an outdoor shed (that was really a no-walled outdoor room) that was as big as my house. They had room, in the shed, to house an antique car, air boat and several dirt bikes one end; a sitting area with functioning TV and an antique record player that he had playing Amos and Andy records; and an entire area for cooking and serving food.
The kids spent most of the day on a make-shift water slide - that was really a dug out hole, next to a huge mound of dirt, entirely covered with a billboard banner.
The kids would slide down the mound into a pool of water collected in the hole - rain water. The kids were loving it!!! If I was 7, I'd have been loving it too, but I'm not, and age forces the moms to just watch while sitting in the hot sun.
I should have taken a photo of the slide - next time. But the photos here are of the kids on a pony ride.
The pony was caving in (a little) when Olivia got on, but he adjusted. It was funny.
Overall, we had a great time - It was definitely different.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Football season is here...
Well, tonight marks the beginning of football season and the start of 10 weeks of not having Bryan around very much.
Most of you know that Bryan is a local football referee for both the Broward Schools and the local youth leagues. Last year, he spent the year flying up to West Virginia on the weekends to be part of the referring league in the West Virginia college football assoc.
This year he won't be traveling to West Virginia because he is wanting to keep his family together and I was going to stangle him if he thought that leaving me alone with four children for days at a time, on a regular basis, was a good idea.
So, he is back to regular varsity football.
This means that he is away from home most - Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at night, and either AM or PM shift on Saturdays (which are 8 hours long).
It is a long season.
He just called - 10pm - to let me know that they, the crew, were done for the night and that he, and the crew, were heading off to a pizza joint for a bite to eat.
Let me lay this out for you... four nights a week he gets to go out with his friends, run around a football field (stars of the show), gets paid $$$ AND then goes out for an uninterrupted meal?????????????
I'll bet if I promised him a little something (you know what that is) when he came home IF he came right home and didn't go out to eat... he'd be eating peanut butter and jelly right now, with a big smile.
But, alas, that will NEVER HAPPEN! I refuse to use sex as a bait.
So, I guess I just need to go to bed and be happy that he (at least) called when he was on his way to the restaurant.
It works for us.
Most of you know that Bryan is a local football referee for both the Broward Schools and the local youth leagues. Last year, he spent the year flying up to West Virginia on the weekends to be part of the referring league in the West Virginia college football assoc.
This year he won't be traveling to West Virginia because he is wanting to keep his family together and I was going to stangle him if he thought that leaving me alone with four children for days at a time, on a regular basis, was a good idea.
So, he is back to regular varsity football.
This means that he is away from home most - Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at night, and either AM or PM shift on Saturdays (which are 8 hours long).
It is a long season.
He just called - 10pm - to let me know that they, the crew, were done for the night and that he, and the crew, were heading off to a pizza joint for a bite to eat.
Let me lay this out for you... four nights a week he gets to go out with his friends, run around a football field (stars of the show), gets paid $$$ AND then goes out for an uninterrupted meal?????????????
I'll bet if I promised him a little something (you know what that is) when he came home IF he came right home and didn't go out to eat... he'd be eating peanut butter and jelly right now, with a big smile.
But, alas, that will NEVER HAPPEN! I refuse to use sex as a bait.
So, I guess I just need to go to bed and be happy that he (at least) called when he was on his way to the restaurant.
It works for us.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I chose myself over my daughter...
Alone for the day - Bryan's football season is starting this weekend - I had a crazy day.
Birthday party at 2pm, dinner hour dealing with Wade on a sugar high, and the 4th load of laundry sitting on the couch waiting to be folded was just too much overload for me.
I had to do dinner dishes, wash the ones that don't fit into the diswasher, bathe the kids (not Paige, no time), straighten up the blankets and toys that managed to fall to the floor (not to mention the whole house looks like a tornado hit it) and attempt to get the kids in bed at a decent hour since nobody took a nap.
Poor Paige was in the exersaucer playthingie and she was CRYING and CRYING. But I KNEW it was because she was wanting to go to sleep... but I wanted to...
... first put away the pants that I had left sitting on the couch.
... finish stacking the sippy cups into the dishwasher.
...move the 5th load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.
...make popcorn for the kids' snack.
...wipe down the two table that managed to get dirty during dinner.
...pick up the puzzle the Wade threw about his room.
...yell at the girls to please dry themselves before they get into PJs.
...get Wade into his PJs.
...wipe up the mac and cheese that fell to the floor under the table.
Meanwhile the baby is going nuts.
I'm thinking to myself... 'All I want is to get into my own PJs.'
So when I was in the master bedroom, putting away towels... I took a 2 minute shower - serenaded by my crying daughter in the other room
By the time I rushed out... I saw the photo I'm posting.
I felt SO bad that I chose my own shower over her going to bed... but not bad enough that I didn't get a photo first, right?
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